
How would you know if you're bisexual?

by  |  earlier

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I love a guy a lot in my school , but there is a girl i felt that she is cute.Sometimes i see her , i would be shy and dont dare to look at her.

But of course , the guy i love is more than the girl in my mind.

And sometimes i think about her , but not those sexual thinking.

I don't see those bisexual pornography.

But sometimes i keep thinking of that girl , i'm just 13.

Does that mean i'm bisexual ?




  1. You are still growing up, don't worry about it.

  2. Your horoscope will give your the answer on that.

  3. I didnt know if i was bisexual once =S. I always liked guys but then i was attracted to this girl, kinda like you are now. I figure it was just that "phase" they say everyone goes thru lol- not that it would bother me if it turned out i was attrcted to another girl =/.

    Hope that helps. Rubbish i know lol!


  4. It's okay, you''ll young and discovering your kind of orientation.

    Maybe your just attracted to her, thats all :)

  5. You are way too young to be worrying about this just let life flow then you will find who and what you are

  6. if when u think about her it's nothing sexual, then u're probably not bisexual.

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