
How would you know if your milk supply was dropping off.....

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if you dont ever pump?

please dont tell me that it supply and demand...I KNOW THIS. but some times it doesnt work out that how would you know?




  1. You would just know by how they feel.  A good way to tell is if you feed at the same time each night, then check them in the morning (at the same time each day) and compare.  This will only work if the baby empties the breast at night, though, so in the morning you can feel how much they made during the night.

    I check mine all the time because my milk nearly dried up for 2 days out of nowhere before (because of stress).  I pay close attention b/c I don't want that to happen again.

  2. You'll see a drop in output from the baby - fewer or lighter wet and dirty diapers.  

  3. Your body will always produce more milk than your little one needs as long as you are eating something and drinking something throughout the day.

    As long as your baby is gaining weight and having plenty of wet diapers, there is no need to worry. How old is your little one?

    If he/she is only a couple of days old then he/she may be fussy for other reasons.. in the beginning my daughter gave the same cues for hungry, gassy, and needing to burp.

    If he/she is about 6 weeks old, then your milk has regulated and you will not become engorged as easily as before.

    Babies have growth spurts at 10 days, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months.

    If he/she is 6 months old you may be getting your period and most women experience a lower supply at this point, but your little one probably wont even notice.

    If you are really worried you can take he/she in to the doctor and ask them to weigh her.. some pediatricians charge for this and some don't..if they want to charge you then it might be cheaper to go out and buy a $40 scale at BabiesRUs.

    If you are doing formula AND breastmilk then it depends on how often you are nursing.. if you have only been nursing for once or twice a day for about 6 weeks then yes your supply might be drying up.

    Women can almost ALWAYS relactate who have stopped cold turkey nursing after 2 months.

    Breastfeeding is an amazing thing.

  4. The only way to know is if your baby is no longer satisfied with nursing or is unable to nurse as long. It's normal to have slight dips from time to time due to stress and babies go through growth spurts. I pump from time to time and get hardly anything that way so it wouldn't help me know. My son is growing and healthy so he is getting plenty.

  5. you'll notice that you'll start to fill less and less and your b*****s will inch towards their pre-baby size.  Technically, your supply shouldn't start to wane as long has it's being used ( I know you know this ;) )

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