
How would you know what your having some people can tell by looking at your belly?

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How would you know what your having some people can tell by looking at your belly?




  1. Girls are more round and they are high on your stomache and boys are more pointed much less rounded and they are very low. But all women are built different so it depends on your shape and structure

  2. My mother told me that the rounding a less protruding the belly, it's a girl. The more i guess pointier and showing stomach is a boy.

  3. well it differs from women to women because we are not all made the same way. My first was a girl and my second was a boy. I carried the first two totally different.  I am pregnant with my third and I am carrying just like I did my first (girl) we had the ultrasound 3 weeks ago and they said girl. Which is what I already expected because of how I was carrying.

    So basically you can't REALLY tell, you can just guess.

  4. the shape of you belly is different. with a girl it is usually round all around your mid section witha  boy it just kinda just right their on your stomach..

  5. it's BS- people kept telling me both times I was pregnant that I was having a boy. People that I knew, total strangers, everyone. They all thought that the way I was carrying- all out in front- meant boy.  I knew both were girls from my ultrasound, so I just laughed to myself like these women are so full of it. Yes they are both girls.

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