
How would you know which one of the twins is evil.?

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if you see twins walking by will you be able to tell which one of the twin is evil just by looking at them.describe how can you tell and why




  1. i have twin bros and everyone that meets that has no idea which one is nice and which one isn't. Just like normal people you can't really tell until you meet them what there character is like.  

  2. The evil one has better teeth than the other.

  3. You run up to one and go 'Hey You!' and the nice one will turn and look at you and the mean one will karate chop you with his 'evil' power!

  4. eyes

  5. evil usualy manifests itself in some form of outward appearence, but not always.

  6. the evil one always do something and the angel one is nice and calm.

  7. oh that's easy!

    the evil twin has a goatee.  Or even a full beard sometimes but usually its just a goatee.  Unless he's pretending to be his good twin and then he's shaved it off.  If that happens I believe you have to say you're going to shot one of them and the good one will say 'shoot us both' while the evil one will say 'shoot him'.  Unless the evil twin is on to that trick in which case you're screwed.

    if they're girls, the evil twin always wears eye makeup.  Lots of heavy eye makeup.

  8. I'm a mother of twins, and I didn't know one could be evil!

  9. Is this a movie?  Twins are just normal people.  The parents who let them get that's something.  Cinderella, anybody?

  10. Who told you that one of the twins must of necessity be evil.Well if this is a theoretical question then you have to believe what has been narrated to you or wait till the time you are personally confronted with one.

  11. Well, one would be an angel, and the other would be something from a dreamland?

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