
How would you know your just settling?

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How do you know it's the right person "The One"




  1. Theirs no sure way to really know if it's the right person or not, it is always a risk we take when getting involved in any relationship, & sometimes in life, we must take chances that can either be in our favor or not. How to know if you are just settling for a person is a challenging question, one that only you can answer, listen to your gut feeling, what is it telling you about this person in question? Settling for a person is really no different then buying a car, you set out to purchase a new car & you are really liking one car but it's a bit expensive & you can't afford it, so you settle for the car that is reliable & more affordable, sure it will do, it will get ya where you want to go, but you would have prefered the more expensive one.  

  2. If you can sit back and actually know that that person is making you better by being with them and is helping you reach your full potential.  

  3. My husband always says he knew because i don't get on his nerves, and he doesn't get tired of me.  No matter what we do, we always have fun together.  You will just know!

  4. If you could ever picture yourself having or wanting better or even different. If you ever see yourself wanting another person than he/she is not the one for you.

  5. You just know... you look at the person and are in awe that you scored so well, and can't imagine another person better suited for you...

  6. if you have to ask...he's NOT the father LOL...the One

  7. If the person makes your life miserable when you dated them.

    Remember there is no such thing as the one everyone has faults. Some are better at hiding them than others. The so called one could be in another country.

    The grass is not always greener.

  8. would you be mad if they cheated on you?

    I think "the one" is what you make of it.. they may not be "perfect", but no one is.. everyone has their flaws and who you decide to be with depends on what flaws you can live with and tolerate..

    some guys suck financially, some romantically, some common sense, etc...

    he chooses to be with you accepting your flaws as well..  

  9. follow your heart and be sure to know this person from head to toes! just be careful and good luck!

  10. How do i know", well i know by the way i feel when i am not with him, by the way he loves me, by the way i love him, the depth of my love for him, the butterflies in my tummy that won't go away when i am with him, the day he proposed to me, and i accepted knowing deep in my heart that i was making the best decision of my life accepting his proposal, now we're engaged and i cannot wait ot be his wife, that's how i know!

  11. For one you wouldn't have to ask this question. You would just know.

  12. If you think you might be settling, you're settling. Question is, if you're justified in feeling like you're just so neat that being with him would be settling for less. There is no "The One." There is only someone you want to be with enough to work at being with.  

  13. For me, my husband and I felt very comfortable and passionate with each other. We are best friends first. He always called when he says he's going to and always had the utmost respect for me and himself.

    When we started dating, our relationship had developed on it's own and we felt we were ready for the next step without any doubts.

    We realized we were living together because he was at my place all the time. We made it official, but we do not know when we fell in love or when we actually started living together.

    Our relationship had a really nice and comfortable flow. We were ready for marriage and had no hesitations.

  14. The right person will always make you feel good. The right person will recharge you and help uplift you. If you just feel hoe hum about it then you are settling. Like you would rather be with anyone than be alone then you are settling.  

  15. when yo don't ask yourself this question.

  16. There is no "The One".  Their are literally millions of different people we can be compatible with.  Marriage is tough, and if you even have the tiniest inkling of regret, don't do it.  Or you'll just be in another loveless everyone else in this *** backwards country.

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