
How would you like a store website to be displayed?

by  |  earlier

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like would you like it to be simple? or would you like it to be all fancy?

when you go into a website what is the first thing you notice?

I'm making my own jewelry website and i was wondering what people want to see so they can come to my store again




  1. Well im a nerd so im good at these things First thing i notice is ''Mutant Ears of the lady smiling or that Brown shirt doesnt go with her blonde hair '' i like website to be simple Like GOOGLE AND YOUTUBE i dont like website like LIVESEARCH AND MICROSOFT.

    Hope this helps!

  2. I want to find out if the one thing i want is there.  If i only want to buy a bracelet, can i type "bracelet" somewhere?  And do i have to click a 2nd time to get the price?  I want to see the price next to the item.

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