
How would you like the next generation of Americans to help their country?

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How would you like the next generation of Americans to help their country?




  1. I think community service should be a part of High School education. You should get credits for it, but it should be mandatory. They could give choices like start a fundraiser or food drive for your local foodbank or volunteer directly for an organization like Red Cross.

  2. Take classes in Economics, US government, Basic Sciences and Math, and actually try to get a job so they won't go into welfare and rely on Democratic Liberal handouts from the government. The classes are just there so they have a decent education, and can see why liberals are so wrong and detrimental to our country.

  3. In correcting the blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past with self lavk of knowledge without being aware of it being expose in time after the mystery of us-911.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    In giving them the fishing line , hooks and sinkers that was lost with time.

    Luke 11.33-36,46,52

    In time they will be able to stand on their own two feets

    Matt 22.17-21

    In correcting the faulty education and communication system

    that was lost with time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  4. Develop a strong work ethic.

    For years Americans have been getting lazier and more selfish.

    For this country to even begin to touch greatness it is vital that young people learn how to work, to build, and to help others not their pocketbook.

  5. As always help themselves!

  6. Follow what John Kennedy said:

    ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. (Sounds conservative, doesn't it?).

    The next generation (and current generation) should work and persist on being self-reliant and pull themselves and each other up. We should vote all politicians out of office who try to buy our votes by giving entitlements and handouts that in the long run keep us dependent on them.

  7. Currency designed by citizens through computer graphics.

    This frees up people from being subordinate to anyone as their own computer can create independant currency

    ATMS put in streets for all that require such.

  8. The best thing that the next generation can do for America is to turn off the TV and return to the proficiency in critical thinking skills that past generations of Americans were able to take for granted.  The single most pernicious reason for the erosion of our civil liberties and our chances at a greater share of this American pie is the incredible and extreme effectiveness of the sound bite from the television set. Politicians are able to get us to believe whatever they want us to believe simply by sloganizing what they say,and making it sound good,whether it really is good or not.  "We will prevail," "Fighting them over there so we won't have to fight them here," We won't cut and run," and the infamous, "If you're not with us, you're against us."  All of this is designed to whip us into a frenzy, while real people die in a real war and never come home again.  Certainly our politicians (and especially our presidents) should at least know that what they say will be scrutinized honestly and in-depth, rather than just taken as true just because they've said it.


  10. This time? Stay out of the way and mind your own business.

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