
How would you like to be remembered and is it true?

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How would you like to be remembered and is it true?




  1. I really don't care. A hundred years from now, no one will remember my name, let alone my face. I have written extensively on this and could write you tome, but it is sufficient to say. That few of us will ever be remembered to future time. Even though we place stone where we lay to remind people of our name and time.Stone will eventually wear away and we are soon forgot as life goes on.

  2. By the bodies in my cellar.

  3. I really only care that my children and grandchildren remember me as the best mum and granny anyone ever had and yes I do think it is true because it is my life's work to make it so.

  4. i would like to be remembered as a person that was happy and smiling and cared more about other people and serving Jehovah than herself.

    i dont know if its true....

    i hope it is.

  5. My name is written in water.

  6. I would like to be remembered for being different and for being caring. I hope there both true

  7. I would like to be remembered by me..... as accurately as possible.  To that end I plan to transfer my brain into an android body so that I can live forever.  Also I plan to enslave the human race..... I will call you all meat bags and force you to worship my metal body as if it were a god.

    This is why I will need to be the first one to get a robot body, so that I can destroy any potential rivals before they get the procedure done.  Rest assured, I will be first in line to get my iBody.

    I am sure that robot bodies will be expensive so any donations are certainly welcomed..... and anyone that donates to my cause will get their own dominion.  Anyone contributing over 1000 gets enterred into a drawing.  First prize is Australia, second prize is Iceland, third prize is death by my metal fist (or claw, I haven't decided yet).  Any takers?

  8. I frankly don't give a $hit how I'm remembered.  I won't be around to care about it anyway.


  9. hey maid.................. posthumously......... irrefragably.........

  10. i would be remembered as a person who was loved and admired by everyone from past to present who ever knew me.

    and as a beautiful son to my parents

  11. I will be remembered as the loony relative.  Not sure I want to be remembered as that but yes, it IS true!  8/~

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