
How would you like to change your life ?

by Guest63163  |  earlier

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What do you think is an ideal way to live .




  1. i wouldnt change a thing,i love my life exactly as it is,i know that may sound sad but i have everything i need:)

  2. I would like to change my life so that not even a second is wasted, so that I'm always with the people i love- laughing, and so that I never take anything for granted. I love taking risks......and if you're not living life on the edge then you're not taking up too much space. I think that would be an amazing way to live.  

  3. i have more than once, i still cant make up my mind cause the grass always seems greener

  4. Id move from Scotland to live in a cabin in Canada, Alaska or somewhere like Montana.

    Id hunt my own meat, grow my own veg and trade for other supplies like rice.

    Id be happy living like that.

    I wouldnt have to work in a dead end job to provide for myself, I could do it all off my own back.

  5. To be less cautious - do what you want to do without being reckles and hurting others. To have a dream and fulfilling it. To be satisfied with one's life and have no regrets.  

  6. Like a millionaire and not have to friggin work!!!

  7. well my life is always changing its allways going where i want it to go!  even if i don't agree at that time!

    my ideal way to live is to love and forgive! to use time wisely because it's so short and to be creative and have fun any chance i get!

    and to smile no matter how hard it can be to do so!

    Love Love Love the people your around if you don't it's wasting away the time that you could be spending with someone who you do love!

    and love those who love you back more then those who don't!

    keep an open mind and be willing to try new stuff and a different way of thinking!

    and don't focus on the stuff that does bring you down!  even if it hurts!

    mention accept it and move on !

    hence why i'm hear helping you answer this question and not thinking about my dead bird!  

    his last words were i love you mama daddy

    i miss him dearly but that's life right!

    Mad Luv to ya!

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