
How would you like to die, if you could chose??

by  |  earlier

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Attaked by a shark?

Run over by a bus?

Pesonally I would like to die in my sleep surronded by my family...





  1. Any death is fine so as long as it's a pain free death. .

  2. I alway dream I'm gonna die playing Russian roulette.

    Maybe I need to see a dreams analyst....

  3. With honour and in battle fighting for my loved ones or country.

  4. Die a calm death in a hospital surrounded by my family, with my last words being, "Thank you all for being in my life."

  5. In battle, with my armor and sword spattered with the blood of my enemies, and their headless bodies piled around my feet. Live by the sword, die by the sword - perfectly fine with me.

    (Although there is a lot to be said for Peter's choice.)

  6. Picked up by an F5 Tornado and twisted into 50 pieces. Thats been my lust for 10 years, Haven't even come close yet.

    I take it everyone here is afraid to die. You could always get shot by a driveby. Is everyone afraid of pain? Face up to it....Thats what you'll probably get! Most noone dies easy. Oh yeah I  too would love to die easy and without pain, but alas can't be.

  7. If my time comes i am taking my enemies with me

  8. in bed with a pint of beer in one hand, a big cigar in the other and a nubile young woman on top of me ;)

    failing that, i want to go down in a blaze of glory.

  9. to be honest,, i know a few that has

    been looking at them self's too much and i feel they have not only buried their bones in the tomb of their minds

    but think they can control their own system.

    i think you better go for a walk'

    as is  you have no control

    but a bit  

    obligation,, to those whom

    are wise to your

      excuse  if

    you were so intelligent

    why are you not out their

    in the world *

    but seems that

    would be asking too

    much  \you know every thing *

  10. I would like to die quickly and quietly, and not screaming ... like the passengers in the car. :-)

  11. I agree with you. ;-)

  12. fast and painless

  13. Die in the arms of the love of my life. xx

  14. When the world ends :)

  15. i want to die in a car crash with my last words being i could have pased that guy if it wasint for this stupid cliff

  16. fall sleep and not waking up with my family around me too!

  17. Anonymously!

  18. in my sleep

  19. After a centuries-long duel with my arch-nemesis, the Evil Wizard Lenny, our intensive battle will eventually lead us to a deep cave, where, after I narrowly dodge his curse, a piece of rock comes loose, showering us both in an avalanche of human skulls, in which we both perish instantly, thus ended the famed battle between us. Bards write sonnets for years depicting the incident.

    Your way sure is a lot nicer though!

  20. Something Drastic xD

    Dont know what like tho x

  21. I think i would like to die in my sleep out of nan is terminally ill with Bowel Cancer and she is often in pain and i often think in the UK we are kinder to animals than people.

    I wouldn't mind a shark bite though....what a cool scar to show off!

  22. Asleep,and probably alone,,

  23. I would die in my sleep....alone......

  24. Me too or saving someone I cared for

  25. I would like to die the way my grandfather did. He was awake and said he loved his family. Then he said he saw his mother and he smiled and stopped breathing. It was peaceful and he was surrounded by loved ones. I can't think of a better way to go.

  26. Tied to a bed with a big breasted blonde bouncing up and down on me.

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