
How would you like you be 17 yrs old, pregnant and living in a fishbowl?

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Obama his magesty has given permission for everyone to leave her alone. He even went as far as to say anyone in his campaign talking about it would be fired. Did you hear him say that? I did.




  1. He has to mean it. The rumors started on the liberal side, and yes there are rumors on both sides but nobody on the republican side took pot shots at his children it is low, it is unethical and it shows what people are really about. those who just had to fuel the fire.

  2. If life like this is no fun then don't get pregnant!!!!!!!!

  3. I would prefer to live in an apartment. But that's just me.

  4. I think Obama was right to say that, was expressing empathy for Bristol because his own mother had him at around that age.

    I think it was not right for Palin to agree to become VP, knowing her daughter was pregnant - but it might just mean that she had NO CLUE about the scrutiny she was about to face. Either she is coldly ambitious to the point of being callous to her children, or very naive. I suspect naive.

    McCain, on the other hand, was told about the pregnancy in advance, and still wanted Palin on board. THAT is callous towards the welfare of the 17 year old, because McCain knows darned well what happens to people running to public office in terms of scrutiny and scandal.  Remember Bush trying to claim that his adopted Bangladeshi daughter was illegitimate and black? Why would he think Palin would get off easy, and that the publicity would not harm her daughter?  

  5. Yes,I did hear him say it.Well dear you must ask her mother that,its all over tv.

  6. Only if people like you were around trying to dig up trash.   Yes I heard him say that the family's should not be brought into it.  Very forcefully in fact.

  7. It was a good decision. It is a completely inappropriate subject to insult within a presidential race. Its nice that Palin is standing by her daughter and unlike the republicans, won't insult her for it. The republicans went as far to insult Biden for taking the train home everyday to see his son everyday after his wife and daughters died in a car accident. They said that it was inappropriate for someone at his level of junior senator at the time in washington.  

  8. Now I hope he follows through when one of his staffers invariably gets caught sending nasty comments through email or fax or says something snotty to a reported about Bristol.

    I feel for her .... but only a little bit.  Her mother was already governor so it isn't like Bristol didn't know that her actions would be scrutinized by the press.  She and her boyfriend still made the decision to have unprotected s*x and now they get to live with the consequences.  But being a target and getting slammed by the press for acting like a typical horny and stupid teenager is neither right nor fair.  


    You have single handedly, McCain/Palin supporters, asked this question enough times to make people sick of it. You're whining now. Stop. Please. You're worse than my 7 year old nephew with your scenarios and pleads of leaving Bristol alone when in fact it is not about Bristol but her mother. Had her mom, and you all, not made a big deal about abortion, abstinence, and contraceptives, and lied about Bristol ever being pregnant, none of this would have happened.

    Don't you regret the lies and other things spread and said about Obama now? Karma is a *****!  

  10. I thought it was a fine thing to do.  

  11. It would be no big deal if I was 17 & pregnant cause my mother would be someone who was in others business about this subject & believed people should make their own choice & be allowed to see a doctor rather then a back ally butcher....Obama is such a good person but you have to say his majesty & I accept that as a compliment about him even though you meant it in a jealous way. I'd rather have a President who is blessed & majestic then the disaster that Bush has attracted & the disaster that McCain attracts in this life.

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