
How would you locate a lost hamster?

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My hamster escaped from his cage today, and I have searched everywhere obvious. Can anyone think of anywhere they have found a hamster that wasn't so obvious?




  1. Hi.

    Hamsters are escape artists=D. Being so small, they tend to fit in the smallest places(and weirdest too).

    Try to search for him :

    -in the wardrobe: he could be stuck under some clothes

    -under the carpet , near the wall

    -under the furniture

    -in boxes or bags -he could climb very well =D

    -on shelfs

    -in flower pots and vases

    -in food bags or boxes

    -in the car- even if it sounds weird

    -in the cooker

    -in the fridge or in the back of it - I hope not

    -in the washing machine

    If the search isn't successful, use this trick:

    -put a piece of  white paper on the floor and in the middle put your hamster favorite food or treat. The paper must be noisy so you are able to hear when the hamster is walking on it.

    You can use flour instead of white paper but is kind of messy.

    Good luck in your mouse hunt:D

  2. this happened to me. thankfully i found him, flashlight and LOOK EVERYWHERE. hamsters can fit anywhere the size of a dime haha gl!!

  3. If you can't find him put down his favorite treats in a box. Tie a string to the box. Put the box on it's side so when your hamster goes in it pull on the string and you got him.  ( but make sure you have a mat under the box so you can bring him back to his cage.

  4. Look everywhere you can, but if you still have no luck, try putting his favorite food or treats around the house. Eventually he'll get hungry and come crawling out of his hiding spot. If you want, you can even make a trail of food leading to a spot where you would be more likely to see him. Good luck!

  5. I must say I've had many rodents escape and they typically like to hide behind things or inside things. . Be sure to check all small spaces because they do indeed tend to fit in there. If you know your hamster has a favorite food try placing a bit in each room, check back and if any is missing be sure to check that area.

    That's as much advice as I can give, I hope you can find it!

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