
How would you make a perfect cup of tea?

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How would you make a perfect cup of tea?




  1. To make a perfect cup of tea needs both good ingredients and technique.  First heat a kettle.  Before it boils poor some water into a teapot to allow the pot to warm.  When the water is boiled empty the teapot and add your tea (loose, not tea bags) to the tea pot., one teaspoon for each cup you want and one extra.  Immediately add the hot water.

    Let the tea steep to give you the strength you like.  Then pour through a strainer.  If using milk, always put the milk in the cup first, otherwise it will burn.

  2. Boil enough water to fill a regular sized tea pot. Once brought to a boil pour hot water into teapot with one bag of Orange Pekoe (Preferrably Red Rose brand). Let steep for 6-7 minutes. Then pour in your favourite cup and pour in 2% milk until the colour of the tea is taupeish-caramel and let cool and sip away! That is my favourite cup of tea:D

  3. my tea starts with boiling water poured over a lipton teabag in any kind of mug. the more like a tea cup the mug is tho, the better the tea turns out for me.

    then i let it sit for 10 min bc i like mine strong, followed by straining the tea bag over a spoon and adding two teaspoons of sugar and a tiny pour of milk, just enough to turn it dark brown, like i said i like my tea strong, so not that much milk is needed.

    mmmmm then i enjoy it with a sweet, the perfect english cup'a

  4. there really isnt one. it depends on the person drinking the tea. The sweetness and stenghth affects tea most, so make sure it isnt too strong/sweet for the drinker


    sorry if this doesnt help

  5. mine starts with freshly drawn and freshly filtered water.  Then I use good quality tea leaves.  Then I steep the tea leaves at the appropriate temperature (it's different for different types).

    Then I add a little bit of stevia for sweetness.  I actually bought some agava syrup I'm dying to try soon.

  6. I like strong tea, so I make a cup in the microwave with the tea bag in it. The regular black tea. Then I add a little cream [flavored, like coffee cream is really good] , a hint of vanilla extract, and a little cinnamin, and sugar.

    It's so good, it tastes like dunkin Donuts "Chai Tea"

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