
How would you make an oil rig?

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How would you make an oil rig?




  1. You don't its very dangerous and should only be done by a professional.

  2. Since you are asking in agriculture I assume you actually mean an oil press.

    I would make a frame out of steel and use a hydraulic ram for pressure to squeeze the oil seeds in a cylinder.

    If I decided against using a hydraulic jack I would set the ram up with a weighted lever to provide the force.

    Obviously I am not thinking about large scale commercial production.

  3. You would generally buy one but in general they work the same as a deep hand pumped/ primed old fashion water pump. Same idea but the big looking device that sits on the well head it a counter balances device that uses a very low power motor. It is like counter weighting your garage door so you can lift it with one finger. That door weight hundreds of pounds. With a rotary device like the counterweight on the oil pump small motor power runs it with less waste. Same as an old water pump below ground very deep, like a long air pump for your bike tires, a plunger pump. If you had to you could build one with a big old fashion water pump and small motor on a flywheel counter weighted to easily lift the pump moving parts and a weight of oil on top of it. And as mentioned above you have to drill so what ever you did to drill to the oil you need to be ready to cap a pressure flow, liquid or gas. And as also mentioned above, very dangerous.

  4. Assuming my land is in California, the first thing that I'll need(without any doubts) are the proper permits(from the city, county, state, and probably the federal government), and take it from there. This wouldn't be a fantasy enterprise, specially if oil is at stake. Very good question, but don't be under the illusion that you could get away with the black gold, all by yourself, no way.

  5. maybe he is drilling for oil in a corn field........?


    You could try jerry-rigging a post-hole digging augur, but once you hit bedrock you need a diamond bit.


    If you are thinking about an extractor, you might try a hand grinder and make a faceplate for it with very small holes.  The grinder has a variable pitch s***w which would provide the pressure to squeeze the oil out of your material.

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