
How would you make schools Eco friendly?

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  1. By Eco Friendly I'm assuming you mean more "green" or environmentally friendly correct? There ar literally hundreds of ways you can do this. It would actually depend on a budget because the options that you have are almost limitless. One way to make it more green is to capture the water that has been run through the water fountains, toilets, sinks, etc and after filtering the particulates out re-use the water to water the plants or gardens on campus. Another way is to capture the rain water that runs off of the roof or parking lot and filter it and use it for flushing toilets or watering various plants. Schools usually have large roofs and you could even put solar panels up there to capture the sunlight. The technology of this type of thing is called "green-building" and it is a large up-and-coming business. Huge amounts of time and money is being devoted to the development of this type of technology from both the private and public sectors as well as government programs to encourage its development.  

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