
How would you pin down those who don't think pollution is harmful and genocidal to being jailable criminals?

by  |  earlier

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After a majority of Americans had cast their opinions that something must be done to stop polluters.




  1. The issue isn't that people don't agree on pollution being a problem--it's the proposed solutions that are causing the conflict.

    Raising taxes, saving the polar bears, and buying hybrids aren't going to solve pollution (probably because the mining of the lithium used in the lithium-ion batteries in hybrids is causing acid rain and general destruction for miles around the mines...).

  2. Nothing like a well formed unbiased, thought provoking question.

  3. Can't agree more "electric". Must be so wonderful to be so absolutely certain of one's views. Oh, what a warm fuzzy feelin' it must engender. Looks like we are entering the early stages of environmental Naziism. What the heck, seeing as half the world is overpopulated, why not cut to the chase & nuke the lot of them.

  4. Well, for starters, you would have to repeal the first ammendment.

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