
How would you play this hand (part 3 of 3)?

by  |  earlier

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You're in a live, community-sponsored MTT with a $75 buy-in, starting with 3000, ~70 people.

Blinds are up to 100/200, just under 50 people are still in, pays to 8. 9 players at your table. Tournament chip leader is over 12000.

Your table image is semi-aggressive. Table's been generally quiet, with a healthy mix of raising and calling, most hands seeing a raise preflop, most not seeing the river. There hasn't been much all-in activity, other than Seat 1 just taking a hit last hand for most of his chips to Seat 9, who used to be the short stack.

You get dealt JcJs UTG, and you bet 800.

Relevant stacks …

You (UTG) – 3900 … Bet 800

Seat 7 – 8100 … Calls 800

Seat 1 (SB) – 625 … Calls all-in

Seat 2 (BB) – 2600 … Calls 800

Flop is 10h Qs 7h.

Main pot is 2500, side pot is 525

BB checks. You check. Seat 7 checks.

Turn is 3d

BB checks. You check. Seat 7 checks.

River is Jd

BB checks. You check.

Seat 7 bets 1100.

BB folds.

What do you do?




  1. i will fold because the chance is othere guy got a straight

  2. i would probably fold because seat 7 probably has a straight. i was gonna say all in but....nawwwww.  he has King and Ace.

  3. ALL IN

  4. I was going to say raise him all-in but you've got a risk of the straight out there.  You've got no choice but to call at this point.  For your 1100 you can get over 4K, knock out an opponent, do some serious damage to a big stack  and be left in very good chip position at the table.  On the outside chance that seat 7 hit the straight you'll still have around 2K to work with.  I'd have to go back to part 1 or 2 to see what the blinds are at this point as you're coming into them but I think it's well worth a call here.  Raising all-in is very tempting but I think the risk is too great.

  5. Call the bet and let it pass then WINNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Tough not to go all in here. But we would still have 2k left if we just call and we're beat. Only 4 hands beat us. Pocket Queens, Ace King, King 9 and 9 8. I really doubt the King 9, or 9 8. So the only ones we're afraid of is the pocket Quenns and Ace King.

    Usually every one checks it down with an all in. But seat 7 picked up something and wants to get paid somewhat. Otherwise he'd check too.

    I think I would just call. If he knows anything about poker he checks too if he doesn't have anything. But he's got a piece and our hand is good enough to call. With the size of his stack and the size of his bet, it looks like he wants us to push it. He put the pressure on us cause he knows it's tough to just call, it has to be a push.

    I don't believe it's worth going all in if we might be beat. I do think it's worth calling 1100 for a 3600 pot (would be 4700 after the call) with the possibility of 2 hands that beat us.

    If we win, sweet. If we lose, we got 2k left to make a push.

    Can we please have the results after you pick BA?

  7. call

  8. Call it, chances are the 3 J's are the highest, the ace - king were probably split up and I hope someone else wasn't holding a pair of Q's.

  9. You have to fold, but you should never have been in that situation anyway, on the turn you should have bet 1000 or so.

  10. if you're just going to do this one card at a time, this is pure BS and don't expect any future responses.

  11. Gotta call!!

    You shouldn't have checked the turn but since you did, you need to call.  Raising here is point less.  If he have straight he will call you and you will be out of the tourney, if he dosn't have the straight, he would fold his hand which means no more chips from him.  Thus, calling here will be the best thing for you to do.

  12. i think if you look at this situation closely, you will see that there is close to zero value in raising...there has been no action throughout this hand, and now your opponent comes barreling in and fires randomly on the river when a straight card comes, forget the fact that it gives you a set for a minute...he could have A-K or K-9, and if it's not those it's most likely a bluff, the only hands with which he might pay you off are J-10 or Q-J, and if he had Q-J wouldn't he have bet on the flop or turn?

    also, he may not even pay you off with two pair if he is a good player, figuring that for you to raise him on the end knowing that he is pot committed and that there is another player all-in, that you must have when you factor all of these things in, i think a flat-call is the best play, you save money if you are beat and you don't gain any value by moving all-in if he's bluffing because he will fold anyway

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