
How would you prepare for the end of the world?

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How would you prepare for the end of the world?




  1. wow, nice question..i gave u a star.

    well....since im like religious i think i'll go to the church to ask the Lord for forgiveness lol...and, i think i'll spend some time with my family, friends and pets....listen to my fave music and do things that i always wanted to do: like, shoot my geography teacher...

  2. Do things I have not had a chance to do yet.

  3. burn all my homework

    eat loads

    go on a HUGE shopping trip

  4. I'd have to learn to bend over to kiss my as- goodbye!

  5. If it were a big asteroid coming...

    I'd visit and say goodbye to my family.

    I'd find a nice girl to spend the last days or hours with.  And we wouldn't talk politics.

  6. Your question is very open ended.  The end of the world, as in the earth is going to be destroyed?  Not much to do then.  Just the usual drill of say goodbye to friends and family.

    However do you actually meant "the end of civilisation, as we know it?"

    Well then, that's a whole nother' kettle of fish.  You see, my husband and I (and most of our friends, family, ect) believe we WILL see some truely dramatic changes in our lifetime.

    Hubby and I believe we will see World War III, and one or two devistating world pandemics.  Our beliefs are not coming from the Bible.  They are stemming from world overpopulation, new diseases that crop up, easy global travel (airplanes), and political and economic things.  At some point "we" will find the straw that broke the camels back, and the boiling point will be reached.

    So how do we prepare?  By living on a permaculture farm, and being as completely indepandant has possible.

    We raise most of our own food, or store it in bulk (like wheat).  We can raise our own animals, and can butcher, and most importantly, we know how to preserve our harvest.

    We both, but me especially have a great deal of archaic knowledge.  Would you know what common plant to get asprin from if there was none to buy at the stores?  I do.  My head is filled with all kinds of very odd knowledge.  However it's the good, and truely useful knowledge...the old fashioned way of doing things that actually works, and is actually safe.

    We grow rapeseed (canola) and make our own biofuel for our vehicles.  So we (and our friends and neighbors) would remain mobile in vehicles, even if the rest of the world wasn't.

    Of course we also have the horses, including Draft horses.  

    We will be buying more land and moving our farm.  We have scouted out locations.  This area we found is ideal.  There are trees for wood, a small river, it's surrounded by mountains, and the mountains are surrounded by desert.

    So if for some reason there were hords of people deserting cities, it's simply too hard, and not enough resources to make it worth it to try and come into our area.  Hundreds of miles of desert will tend to thin out a lot of people trying to make someplace on foot, or with limited fuel.

    We can make stills to either purify water for drinking, cooking, or medical use.  We can make alchohol, for fuel, or for people to drink, and us to barter with, since we do not drink.  Alchohol of course has many uses from medical, to making extracts you use  in cooking, or perfumes you put on your body.

    We invest our money in house, hearth, farm and quality frivilous vacations to Disneyland, or silly toys for us.

    Our closets bulge with Carhart coats, and lined bib overalls.  We can venture outside when the windchill takes it to 60 bellow and still do work outside, and remain safe and warm.  We know how to dress ourselves for extreme heat, or extreme cold.  

    Really the list of things we cannot do for ourselves is shorter than the list of things we can do for ourselves.  We even know how to make sugar for ourselves!  

    Tampons, toilet paper, salt & minerals for the livestock, lye,  tires, rubber hoses, and belts, shoes/boots with nice rubber soles....those are the kind of items we need to continue to purchase.

    Lye is so I can continue to make soap.  We know how to make lye from the ash of hardwood trees, but there are almost no hardwoods around here.

    We try to keep everything we do in balance.  Our livestock feeds us, and produces manure.  The manure feeds the crops, which produce food for us, the livestock, and the vehicles.

    We don't do things on our farm, unless we can close the circle, and have it a balanced, continuous loop.  

    Most farmers would starve to death right along with everyone else, because they only grow ONE crop (mono cropping) that requires huge imputs of stuff from outside the farm.

    We will continue to live a frugal (but not cheap), debt free lifestyle, so if the need should happen, we could simply close our farm gates and stay home for three months....or a year (think bird flu).

    Right about now many people will decide that we live our lives in complete fear of "the end."  Nothing could be farther from the truth....we fear nothing....because we are prepared, and highly adaptable.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  7. Do all of the things I've always wanted to do.I would spend my last hours with family and friends,hugging and saying goodbyes.When the end came,I would want to be with someone that loves me.simple.

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