
How would you prevent rust in an experiment?

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I am doing an experiment where i need explore different ways of preventing rust on iron. Please explain your answers and include links!!




  1. iron oxide is rust.  so eliminate the oxygen around said piece of steel,  if possible.  steel manufactures put a coating on some to prevent rusting,  or they go the distance and turn it into stainless steel which will not rust.  all depends on the application.  sorry no links;  just the one to my brain.

  2. Prevent oxygen from coming in contact with the metal. This is usually done with a coat of oil or paint. Depending on what are are trying to prevent rust on, you can also spray the surface with something that prevents rust, like the water repellent/lubricant Jig-a-loo.

  3. Rusting iron needs three things:

    1) iron

    2) moisture

    3) oxygen

    Sicne you experiment is to FIND way to prevent rust on ireon, then you MUST have Number 1.

    So, your expereiments need to fodus on Numbers 2 and 3.

    Rust is Iron Oxide (Fe2O3).  One source of oxygen is water (H2O),

    How can you keep the piece of iron dry?  What can you put on it to keep water from touching it?  [HINT: Think "paint" . . . .]

    Where can you put the iron that there is no oxygen available.  Can you find some other gases that are safe to use, but do not contain oxygen?  [HINT: How about a vacuum, or helium or nitrogen . . . .]

  4. Iron can be prevented from rusting by using rust inhibitors e.g. sodium nitrite. Iron will not rust in alkaline solutions. Chromates, borates and various organic amines are also used as inhibitors. Oils or greases work by forming an oxygen barrier. Coatings of zinc (galvanising) also works.

  5. If you can fit a citrate into the solution where your iron is soaking, it will only attack the rust. Simple Tang, breakfast drink has enough citric acid to keep you iron from showing rust. (actually the rust will be removed as soon as it is formed.) The bluing and browning used on gun barrels will protect steel and should protect iron if you can get a coating formed. Takes a bit of chemistry (almost alchemy considering the way they were discovered) to produce the coatings. Simple Navel gelly will leave a protective phosphate coating.  You might also try some of the antifreezes. They have silicate materials that protect the casting in engine blocks.    

  6. well oil is one way,, grease, or just cover it with stainless steel

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