
How would you pronounce the name 'Guilian'?

by Guest34270  |  earlier

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How would you pronounce the name 'Guilian'?




  1. I would pronounce it GEE-LAN with a hard 'G'

  2. Julian.

  3. Gill lee ann (Guilian)

    And when i say Gill, I mean like as in a fishes Gill....

    Once again, Gill-Lee-Ann

    Hope this helps!

  4. I think I would say Gilian rather that Julian if it's a surname.

    In other words, phonetically I think the first phoneme should be /g/ rather than a /dz/.

    The thing about names though is that people can pronounce them however they want to so you don't really know until you ask them.

    I once knew someone whose surname was Pettit.  I would pronounce his name "Petty" because it looks like the French.  Or if I was was going to say all the letters I would say "Petit".  But in actual fact he pronounced his name "Pedid" "because he replaced the /t/ with /d/ as they often do in the American accent.  All this just goes to show that you never can tell how to pronounce a name until you ask.

  5. julien

  6. I would pronounce it the same as Juilan?

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