Since child support seems to be the topic of the day, here's a problem:
When people break up, they are often mad and don't trust each other. Often the non-custodial parent who is paying child support wonders whether that money is actually going to support the children, or is being used as a substitute for alimony. It sure would be nice if there were a way to make sure that money is actually going to support the child(ren), rather than being used to support the ex.
On the flipside, the expenses involved in child rearing are hard to neatly separate from other household expenses. Kids leave lights on and run up the electric bill, they drink from the same carton of milk as the adults, and they occupy rooms in a home that needs to be larger to accomodate them. The gasoline that's used to drive the kids to camp and soccer practice goes into the same tank as the gasoline that is used to drive the parent to work. So is there any way to make sure that the child support goes to the children without micromanaging the custodial parent's life to a ridiculous extent? I'm doubtful.
So anybody have any brilliant thoughts on this subject?