
How would you propose to tackle UK knife crime?

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You only realize how bad times are when it ends up on your door step :S




  1. giving people guns would end knife crime

  2. I'd contact a knife throwing act and make them stand in front of the target.

  3. bring back victorian jails, longer sentences and chain gangs its about time jails were meant as a deterrent. and if the do-gooders don't like it then lock them up with the scum as well, or make the scum move in with their familys.

  4. Educate their parents.

  5. Replace all knifes with plastic ones.

    But then it would probably lead to fork crime, so they would have to be replaced with plastic...

    Inevitably leading to spoon crime, spork crime, etc...


  6. lock people in their homes and monitor then via CCTV cameras to make sure they aren't carrying out any terrorist activities.

  7. life imprisonment for anyone carrying a knife, cure it overnight,get really tough with the scum

  8. Ban knives.  It worked for guns, didn't it?

  9. Anyone convicted of a stabbing or knife crime offence, should be stabbed in the gut.  Pure and simple.  That would teach the little gangsta pricks to grow the ***** up, and stop going about being the pathetic scum, they so clearly are.

    Ban knives yeah?  How the ***** would that work then?  Would we all carve our turkeys at Xmas with chainsaws?  Practical solutions would be better people!

  10. give them guns or pipes

  11. You can't legislate morality! Defend yourself! Your best weapon is your mind.

    Edit: Here is a bit of info for all of you folks who are anti gun.

    I live in a little town in Montana, only about 5000 people here. Most of us have guns of some sort for hunting, target shooting or just to have to collect. Here is the part that you will love. We have NO violent crime here! None at all in my town and all other crime is very low. How do you feel about that? That goes against your thinking doesn't it.

  12. easy,

    1. ban knives

    2. wear knife proof shirts

    3. turn england in to a large prison and let the knife whelding idiots fight it out them selves

    4. shoot them firt before they knife you

    5. send them to my town and we will deal with them... no really just type in "stab city" and see for your self

  13. Using deadly force of any kind should be rewarded with a heavy prison sentence.

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