
How would you punish a child?

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I have to write a half page essay on how i would punish a child for psychology class. I have absolutely no idea how to go about doing this because im only 17 and dont know anything about children. please help.




  1. sock them in the lips, pull their hair, and kick them where it hurts the most (if it's a boy)

  2. knife em

  3. take a round of the playground>>>>>>>

  4. Punishment is meant to teach a child that what he did was wrong, and to make him avoid this behavior in the future. Therefore punishment should involve an unpleasant element and a clear connection between the wrong behavior and the consequence. Especially for smaller children, punishment should follow the misbehavior as soon as possible, and it should not be a drawn-out process. Taking away a toy or a spanking are useful sanctions. For older children and teens, punishment is best when it is related to the concrete misbehavior. For example, being rude means being excluded from a family outing or TV; staying out beyond curfew means having to stay at home for a while; neglecting household duties means doing extra chores. In all cases, the child should be explained at length what he did wrong and why he is being punished, and when the punisment is over there should be a symbolic act of forgiveness, like a hug.

  5. It's not so much about punishment as it is about guidance.  You want the child to learn to change that particular behavior.  Make the lesson fit the crime.  Examples: If the child threw a toy, take the toy away for a certain amount of time and tell them they will get it back when they are ready to play with it appropriately.  If they're older and made a prank call with their cell phone, take the phone away for a week or a month or whatever fits letting them know they are losing the privilege of using the phone because they misused it.  

    Altho I do not believe all spanking is bad, I do believe it doesn't fit most situations.  What it is teaching the child is not to get caught misbehaving or else they will get hit.  It doesn't really teach them the WHY behind not misbehaving.

  6. the key to raising a well disciplined child is to be consistent and mean what you say....follow thru, don't have empty threats.  Different punishments for different ages and offenses....a half page won't cover all of childrearing.

  7. It depends on what they do

    you can spank them, embarrass them, ground them

    take their stuff away or mainy beat them

  8. Spank them.

  9. "talk to them nicely and explain things"  explain things in a THREE step process.  1.what he/she did, 2.why its wrong, and 3. how you will be punishing them


    1.Your young child cursed/swore at you - do not curse/swear at your parents blah blah blah - I'm taking your video games away

    Or you can say

    I'm taking your TV watching privileges away for a week, No phone privileges etc.

    i'm sure thats more than a half page essay once you put it together

  10. i don't think spanking would help, because when i was little my parents used to spank me but i didn't learn anything from it. Well that could be just me, but i would'nt use spanking.

  11. Children should not be punished.  They should be disciplined.  There is a big difference.  Toddlers should be redirected to a different activity.  That is the only form of discipline that toddlers should get is redirection.  

    Preschoolers can have a time out if needed.  That means have them sit in a chair or another spot for a minute for each year of age.

    Those are the only two forms of discipline that children this age should get.

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