
How would you rank the air/environment quality of these cities?

by Guest59427  |  earlier

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NYC, Chicago, London, Moscow, Beijing, Tokyo. They probably are all bad, so please rank them from the Worst to better.




  1. What about Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, New Delhi, Calcutta, Cairo. All this cities have the more population that any major city in the US, but don't have the same environmental regulations.

  2. Beijing would be the worst among them. the best could be london, chicago, or moscow.

  3. all worst

  4. I can assure you Hong Kong is the most polluted city in this world. You can check out from Tim Flannary's Internet, the one with co-author, Christina Loh even more detailed. According to the University of Hong Kong, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine (published an article of the severe health problem caused by foul air, in the Apple Daily news, Chinese edition on April 28, 2008), there were 9,000 persons involved air pollution affected diseases last years with more 10 million clinical visits just in 2007 for asthma, lung and heart diseases. Hong Kong has a total populating of close to 7 millions. The followings show the record of Hong Kong foul air recorded by the Hong Kong Tuberculosis, chest and heart Diseases Association in March 28,1998. The API (Air pollution Index), 30 is the World Health Organization Standard. The allocations of Hong Kong city were: 112, 122, 145, 101, 95, 128, 101, 76, 93, 97, 147 in Causeway Bay, 166 in Central, and 133 in Mongkok. Furthermore, the university of Hong kong released the true information about the Hong Kong government had set a standard of SO2 emission standard of 350mg per cu. meter for 24 hour monitoring. However, the World Health Organization's recommended standard is 20 mg per cu.m for 24 hours. Needless to say, Hong Kong is far worsen than your listed cities. Hong Kong has the most corrupted and dishonest fascist rulers, too.

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