
How would you rate Pisa, Italy as a travel location?

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We're looking for an affordable place in Europe to travel.




  1. Over-rated and very touristy.

    There are much better places in Italy to go to.

  2. I recently visited Pisa and was very happy I did.  It was amazing to see the tower in person, something I never thought I would do.  The tower is open and you can climb to the top.  Most buildings do require an admittance fee.  Pisa can be seen in a day.  Costs are relatively high, but not as high as elsewhere in Italy.  When traveling east through Tuscany and the mountains we came across some nice country towns that were very inexpensive compared to everywhere else we visited in Italy.  Really enjoyed the seaside resort area in Rimini and the costs were less expensive than many other places as well.  Good luck and have fun.

  3. Funny comments above!!

    Most people just visit Pisa on a day trip from somewhere else.  So the price of staying there may not be too bad.  It is in Tuscany which is a great location with many things to do and see.

    See a few pictures below.

    We enjoyed Florence, Lucca, San Gimignano, Pisa and Siena.

    You should have fun driving and exploring the countryside and all those towns.  You may want to walk around in most of Florence though.

    So I would definitely consider Pisa.  The leaning tower and surrounding buildings are wonderful.  Definitely go to the top of the tower!

    Have fun.

  4. Pisa is worth a visit, but a half day is plenty.  There are other things to see besides the leaning tower, but for the most part, they are all in the same place.  Pisa di Marina, the ancient seaport of Pisa, is worth some time, with a nice beach area, and about 7 km from Pisa.

    I would stay a bit further inland, and closer to Florence, which is an incredible city, with more art per square inch that virtually anywhere else in  Italy.

    You could stay in Montacatini Terme, which is close to Florence, but less expensive, but I would stay right in Florence.  There are hotels that are reasonably priced.

    If I can be of service, I am a travel agent specializing in Italy and I would be glad to help.  send me an e-mail at if that is of interest.

  5. You did good by asking before you go!

    Unfortunately Pisa is no longer a good choice...for all the reasons above mentioned...AND because, If I remember won't even be able to go to the top of the tower! (it damage the building)

    I'm I know that Italy is very expensive...why don't you buy the book "Let's go Europe" it's very good! and you'll be able to find all kind of tips!

    If you are you know about "El Camino a Santiago? why don't you search here??? Is not in Italy is in Spain but is "very affordable" and is a life time experience!!!

    But...if you save money...go to's such a wonderfull country!!! you won't regret it!

    Any how...a have a nice trip...buona fortuna!

  6. It can be seen in an hour-it is expensive and crowded. Check out Lucca however-it's not to be missed.

  7. Pisa is a town you can visit in just one day (Only tower and square), Tuscany is better but expansive. In italy is better if you choose Sicily (art, history, sea) less expansive...

  8. worth an afternoon or day trip.. don't miss Sienna and absolutely go to Lucca! stay at Hotel Melecci.

  9. I don't know. All my pictures came out screwed up and crooked looking. I think some of the buildings might have been leaning.

  10. Oh I would definitely lean towards that choice.

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