
How would you rate a 20ft bowrider from crownline,regal,four winns, bryant, and larson (1-5 with one the best)

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How would you rate a 20ft bowrider from crownline,regal,four winns, bryant, and larson (1-5 with one the best)




  1. larson,4winns,regal,crownline.

    ans with on disrespect to anyone avoid bayliner and maxim both built by the same co.

  2. Boat Manufacturers index

    Larson and Fourwinns are made by the same company Genmar

    I currently have a Larson

    Here's my opinion

    5 Bryant = Chevy

    4 Crownline = Pontiac

    3 Fourwinns = Oldsmobile

    2 Regal = Buick

    1 Larson = Cadillac

  3. first i would have to see pics of them.there all good vessels its what you like looking at , and the features they have  but there all good

  4. i sold boats for over 17 years and am no longer affiliated with any particular manufacturer.  so here is my opinion:

    1  Larson

    2  Regal

    3  4winns

    4  crownline

    5  Bryant

    use the following link to help with your research before you purchase:

    be wary of sites that appear to be giving information from real boaters as many of them are sponsored by manufacturers so the opinions may be skewed.

  5. From that list, it's no contest:

    1. far.   Hand-built, low-production, the only boat that can be compared to it is Cobalt.

    2. Regal

    3. Crownline/Four Winns

    4. Larson    

    Go to a boat show, and look at the boats.   Open the storage doors and look at the fit and finish behind them.   Open the engine compartment cover and look how the wires are run....the little things.  

    Do this, and you'll see the difference between a hand-built boat like Bryant and the rest.

  6. Larson

    Four Winns




    Larson and Glastron you should look at.  They are the only boats in this class that are a true two piece boat.  The hull (with stringers,bulkheads, too) are one piece.  Then the top deck is one piece.   If you look at the others they build the hull, then build the stinger, bulkheads and basicaly "glue" them in with resin.  This makes the Larson/Glastron alot quieter, stronger, and have a better warranty.  They are lifetime and you can transfer it.  Crownline and Bryant you can't.

    They also use VEC.  Instead of handlaying the fiberglass and having waves and ripples in the resin, they inject the resin in a two piece mold.  There is NO flaws in the fiberglass and is lighter than doing the old way.  That means you can save your money and not get a huge engine for it.  Go to and check it out.

    Also look at the room on the inside and the capacity.  Some manufactures tell you it's a 20ft when it isn't.  For instance, look at the Crownline 200LS.   It is a 19ft hull and only has a capacity of 8 people.  You should have a capacity of 10 on a 20ft.

    Now I mentioned Glastron, because there GXL205 is SWEET.  I've been boating for over 28 years and have owned 18 boats.  I've done my research and purchased this boat last year.  It planes faster than the rest (go to and has WAY more features and room and goes for about 28K.  I love pulling up to Crownline and Chapparal boats and running them.  I blow them away out of the hole and in top speed and they have bigger engines!

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents, but seriously check it out closer before you listen to everyone else.

  7. 1Larson


    3 4winns



    Of coarse this is only my opinion

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