
How would you rate the performace of Denver QB Jay Cutler?

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The kid first came into the NFL with no experience it seemed, good composer yet bonehead decisions. Last night he came out crisp and clean and had an old time Bret Favre feel to it, what did you think of Denver QB Jay Cutler last night.




  1. He looked very good. 12/12 to start out the game with a TD. He connected great with Marshall like he always does. But I was very surprised by how good he connected with Rookie Eddie Royal. If they can carry this into the regular season this could be a high powered offense.

  2. Cutler was lights out last night 12/12 out of the box and 2 LONG TD drives, good decisions, laser passes....REALLY IMPRESSIVE!!

  3. Props but the Denver Donkeys won't make the playoffs.

  4. I was there at the game in person, and he looked incredibly sharp.  He has obviously developed even more chemistry with Brandon Marshall, but of more immediate importance, is starting to click with Eddie Royal who snared two deep passes, one of them a jump ball in tight coverage.  It just shows me that Jay Cutler is becoming more comfortable at the quarterback position and learning to trust the players around him while making the correct decisions and not forcing any throws.  I look forward to seeing his continued improvement in the regular season.

  5. Cutler looked great last night.  An opening game 70 yard drive for a TD against the Dallas first team D.  Even more impressive I thought was the Denver D against the Dallas starters.  Only gave up about 70 yards in the first half.

  6. It was very clean and not sloppy.He looked to be in control on the two scoring drives he had.The defense didnt look to have even rattled him at all and he made good connections with Brandon Marshall on one score and Rookie Eddie Royal as well.You almost could say you saw John Elway leadin the charge.

  7. umm. the broncos still don't have a chance... so it doesn't really matter.

    He was pretty good though

  8. Good...Uh...Just one little thing...Preseason means usually against the 2nd or 3rd string defense...We'll see how he is in the regular season...

  9. I think he had a great night last night. Really showed what he can do. Might only be preseason, but either way he's getting to the point of proving himself. Overall Denver had an impressive night.  

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