
How would you rate this model's beauty? scale of 1 - 10?

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  1. who cares

  2. 9

  3. 8

    she looks like she is 13 or 14

    if she looks older she would be gourgess

    love her hair!

  4. 8

  5. 7.. shes wayyy too skinny!!  

  6. 7

  7. come on people a 9, She is a model so compare her to other hot models, Yes she is beautiful, but compare her to other models that you can think of and she will quickly drop. I say as a model a 4.

  8. 9.5 no1s perfect buts shes b e a u t i f u l

  9. 5

    theres just something about her that i hate.

    im really not sure what though


  10. 6

  11. a 6

  12. she is really pretty..

    i luv her eyes lol

    i would say like a 9


  13. 6 . no offense just she looks normal to me, nothing to special:D

    help me with this:D

  14. I would rate a 8.

  15. a 10 I lovvveee her eyes.

  16. negative a billion!!!!

  17. uhm yeah i agree with neagative a billion

    she is so flat !

    come on get some implants(: if youre gonna be a model

  18. 8.5

  19. Like a 7. Why? LOL  

  20. 6 or 7 she has a pretty smiile

  21. maybe a 8 or 9. she is really pretty, but a bit to skinny! haha

  22. wheres the b***s?

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