
How would you rate this site:

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Also let me know what else would make it more interesting.

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  2. Wow ur site is really amazing , I will give it 10/10

    If it matters i added your site to my favorites as it has a lot of useful information and it is user friendly

    keep up the good work

    I guess adding a link for games always makes a website more intresting

  3. Looks great.  Here are a few suggestions.  

    The information and even links to other pages in the header are bland, and get lost.  It is a white text, but the background changes colors.  The white gets lost in the green.

    Another idea, is that you have a lot of empty space on the right side of the screen.  You have those two blocks next to each other, but below them is nothing but blank white.  I would put those on top of each other, then this can give you  more room for your articles.   Those blocks don't need half of the page like that.

    Other than that, it looks ok.  Great information.

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