
How would you re-word these sentances?

by Guest62205  |  earlier

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How would you re-word the following:

1. Americans want to be perfectionists and strive to exceed other people's standards.

2. Americans are perfectionists and want try to exceed impossible standards.


3. We compare ourselves to other people and want whatever they have.

Their going to be used as thesis' so it would be cool if they could sound educational. Please :)




  1. Americans, like most people want to come out as top dog in todays world/society. They desire to be well known and powerful as well as becoming a perfect being in today's world. No matter what the cost, they will do almost anything to be better than the rest.

  2. Americans attempt to be perfectionists and ultimately strive to exceed the standards of higher ranked individuals.

    hehe, if thats bad, don't blame me, i'm 13.

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