
How would you react/deal with the trauma of being locked in an elevator for two days straight...?

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  1. 24, female

    I was actually stuck in an elevator once, not for two days of course, more like 4 or 5 hours. It really wasn't that bad. My friend and I were going back to our apartment and another one of our neighbors was with us so we all just sat down and talked and ate the chips and salsa my roommate and I had picked up from the store.

    Being stuck in there for two days is a little different though. I'd hope I wasn't alone the whole time because that would freak me out a bit. After awhile I'd start to get bored and stir crazy. I'd probably try to get out through the top of the elevator and climb up the ladder lol but after that I'm not sure where I'd go or how I'd get out.

  2. Female

    I would probably just get out through the door in the top of the elevator and climb up the ladder in the shaft. My family owns an elevator making business. I know how to get out.

  3. 22, female.  

    I had a rather...interesting...childhood and adolescence.  For reasons I had no control over, I often had to spend extended periods of time alone, unlike most other kids my age.  Thus, at a very early age I perfected the art of entertaining myself.  I never feel bored when I am alone.  Two days locked alone in an elevator would be a piece of cake, frankly.  My biggest concern would be conserving oxygen, not staving off boredom.

  4. 13 female

    i probably wouldn't be able to. Thats a life changing experience...

  5. Why are my age and gender neccessary?  I think my gender is pretty obvious and my age is not for you to know, since it matters not in this survey.

    However, I would probably have no trauma.  I have no fear of heights, no fear of enclosed spaces, and I am also rather talented in making games to play... or rather, daydreaming for hours and hours and hours and hours...

    Were I to somehow be traumatized in spite of it all, I would probably talk to somebody or blog.  That's what I do now to get all my frustrations out, so that's what I'd do then.

    Just for the books, though, I could live in an elevator for two days.  I would chill for two days with visible proof that I literally could NOT get to work, and later I would probably cry because despite the starvation (which my body would actually eat it's own fat, so I won't be as bad along as some skinny dude) it would have been NICE.  Like a little vacation.

  6. I wouldn't enjoy it and I think i would have an aversion to elevators after that. Also I would probably want to punch someone in the face for ...

    a. Not keeping the elevator in working order

    b. not noticing the elevator was stuck for 2 days

    It's a long time to sit around in a small box, but the place I live in isn't much bigger so I am probably used to it. I usually take the stairs anyway already though so not likely to be a big deal.

  7. LOL who cares try being gang raped or abused by your "family" for the first 21 years of your life.

  8. Some people here don't realize that all elevators don't have an escape hatch!  You're trapped.

    I would find it very traumatic and would need counseling.  Male 41

  9. Not very well I would think.  I was once stuck in an elevator for three hours, and was in a state of total panic by the time I was released.  That was over thirty years ago, but I have never got over it, I hate elevators still and never go in one if I can possibly avoid it.

    51. Female.

  10. 24 female

    I don't know, I fear heights... if I were high up I'd probably panic for a few hours, like I do on planes, and then attempt to be asleep as much as possible.  

    If I were still near the ground, then whatever. If I couldn't climb out, I'm good at entertaining myself.

  11. I am a full time elevator mechanic, and often while testing an elevator after finishing our modernization/service we get stuck, the longest I have ever been stuck is probably 6 hours or so because the other mechanic I was working with thought it was funny lol.... and Victoria there is never a latter in the elevator shaft, and almost never a door on top of an elevator (only in movies). The only way to get out is to wait for a mechanic to get you out from the outside. Also the longest I have ever seen someone stuck in a elevator in my 10 years in the trade was for 15 hours,and it was during a city wide power outage.

  12. I'm 38 and female.  

    I would go completely insane.  

    I'd also become dangerously unwell because I am diabetic and I need to eat and inject insulin at regular times.

    And also... two days... you can't hold out that long when you need to pee... That would be pretty traumatic.

    I think most people would find that situation completely psychologically intolerable and would probably need some kind of counselling afterwards.

  13. That would be boring as h***.  But I'd have to sing to myself and talk to myself to get by I guess.

  14. 25 / male  - I would go to sleep for the duration of the time :) I like to sleep a lot.

  15. Depends on if I was alone or not. Alone it would suck. If the person with me was cool enough it might not be as bad. If it was a pretty girl, it might not be so bad at all. If it was a pretty girl and we got it on, then it might actually be ok. Of course it would start to suck again when she copped a squat in front of me because we had no toilet.

    26 Male

  16. Well i would probaly use all my energy in getting help so i wouldnt have enough energy to feel tramatized. Then there would be the issue of food so that would take more energy and eventually i wouldnt give a poo how traumatised i was until i got food!!! Another thing i would probally do is have some alone time with myself so i wouldnt be focusing on being traumatised. teenage female

  17. 25/Female

    You get therapy to address the trauma. If you ignore it, it will just keep bothering you (like getting flashbacks).

    As for me, I would just be scared of elevators or being locked up.

  18. 34, male. that would be horrible. especially if it got hot and stuffy in there. and when you have to go to the bathroom. and the thirst and hunger. oh wow this would be horrible.

    i dont think i could get over something like that. it would really suck.

  19. it would be most tranquil. other than the bathroom situation, and lack of water, not too unpleasant. I'm 43, and male

  20. Male, 23

    I've spent most of my life alone anyway, partly due to being introverted and partly due to overprotective parents, so that part wouldn't bother me.  I'm not sure how I'd deal with being unable to eat or drink for that length of time though.  It wouldn't be good.

  21. female 17

    that would really suk

    i think i mighttt go crazy because

    im closterphobic.

    that would be somethin

    i would never forget

    i would never go in a elevater

    ever again

  22. go sit in the middle of an open field on a hot summer day..far away from traffic...listen to the sounds you hear.....THAT will take you out of  the elevator dimension!!

  23. I would keep trying to get out. If the door won't bash open, I'd try to break open the ceiling. Not because of boredom, but because of the lack of oxygen and water.

  24. 13 female:

    Panic Attack!! I am so claustrophobic and so afraid of elevators.  One time I was stuck in an elevator for 3 minutes because all of a sudden it just stopped working half way and the doors opened and you can see half way open. I started sobbing!!

  25. I'd end up being a basket case because I have a phobia about falling.  My age and gender are irrelevant.

  26. 18, female. Not well. But I have my cell phone with me at all times, so I might be able to get out sooner than that. And if I was locked in an elevator with a certain someone, well . . .

  27. female, 13

    If I was still in there, I would try to get to sleep as I'd know the oxygen in the air would run out, and i want to die while I am sleeping.

    If I was out then I would never use an elevator again and make like a campaign to make elevators better then I would feel I had done something good from my horrific experience.

  28. m/40   I'd be ok-->its YOU who'd be driven nuts, as I tend to prattle on sometimes, and you may be tempted to beat me with your umbrella, and then climb out through the escape door in the ceiling and tell security you dont HOW that dead guy ended up in the elevator with your umbrella stuck in his head!

    ..."must be an umbrella thief, who became remorseful and so suicidal about his crime". you'll say.

  29. As soon as I realized I was stuck I'd be wondering which corner to p**s in.

    That's about all the trauma I can imagine taking place for me in an elevator.

  30. I'm a male 31 years old.

    If i was stuck in an elevator for two days straight at some point in my life, and was traumatized by it, I would seek consoling.

  31. I would probably worry after a while that nobody was going to rescue me and start trying to figure out how to escape.

    And then when I did get rescued or escape, I would refuse to get on another elevator for a while.

    30,  female.

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