
How would you react if a space ship landed near to you.? (Answer seriously , if possible)?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike're wrong..the first ones who were taken seriously were a couple..the man was black.




  1. Id hide my family until i knew they were friendly, and if not, well, ID HIDE SOME MORE!

  2. I would observe from a safe distance (or hiding place) and if I could pull it together maybe introduce myself, oh wait here comes the military I'm out of here.

  3. I'm going to take the comedian's advice I saw yesterday, and mind my own d**n business. Black people never see UFOs or aliens, white people always think everything is nice and they go and take pictures and whatnot - next thing you know... they're getting probed. Mind your own d**n business and stay inside. lol

  4. I would hope I was armed because you know they're gonna be. I certainly would not stand there looking dumbfounded! They would be doing the same thing we are doing on other planets, testing, probing, disecting everything we can get our robots hands on. what do you think they are going to do?

  5. never tell anybody.

  6. i'd think to myself wtf??!!?? and run away yelling OH MY GOD!!!

  7. I would run up to it and try and find a way inside maybe take a few pictures...

  8. I would probably first get very excited.  The most difficult thing would be not to go in shock or be afraid.  To keep cool, would be the key.

    Then I would project thoughts of peace and harmony, I would project love in a telepathic manner.  I would continue projecting love, in order to establish telepathic communication.

    If fear doesn't overwhelm me, I would approach the ship, hoping to board.

    Once on board, I would ask them a series of questions:

    1- How many civilizations are out there?

    2. Are they all peaceful?

    3. Why do they visit us?

    4. Will humanity survive self-destruction?

    5. Where do they come from?

    Just to name a few.

    It would honestly be AWESOME to see a UFO up close.

    Thanks for the opportunity to answer this question  :)

    Peace, universally to all.


  9. Dude, I'd be so excited to see the space ship.  I'd want to take photos of it, meet the people inside and learn about em.

    I'd be jumping for joy.

  10. I probably would be frightened. I would observe. I would call UFO association. I would like to go for a ride if they would bring me back and not harm me.

  11. d**n, I typed out a whole story and then forgot to click SUBMIT. Hoo-boy.

    Betty and Barney Hill were an interacial couple, and many accused them of making up the story just to publicize an interacial marriage.... since that was rare in those days and illegal believe it or not in a few states.

    I have a great UFO story, but I will wait until next time to get the air to re-tell it again, since I just finished typing it our and it got lost. Sorry.

  12. I would be so scared, but in a good fun exciting way. I would hide somewhere nearby so I could see what was going on and they couldn't see me. that would be so cool!

  13. Hide it a bush to watch to see who comes out and see if they look peaceful.

  14. I would take them to my leader,  GWB could use a good anal probing about now!  

    Seriously though I have seen one of those big black triangles and I just froze and couldn't stop looking at it.  When you see something like that, that you know should not be there, your brain goes into tilt mode.

  15. If a vehicle landed near me which appeared to be extra-terrestrial in origin I would be curious to find out as much as I could about it.  That's my rational answer.  A more realistic answer might be that I would be very frightened and concerned for my safety.

    Either way, I would do my best to resist the claim it was extre-terrestrial without first finding out more about it.

    To be fair, the claims made by the Hills are just that--claims.  They have not been verified by any means.

  16. AWESOME silence and wonder!

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