
How would you react if...?

by Guest33863  |  earlier

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...your very sweet, 6 year old girl busted open the bathroom door, and said, "Dangit, Mommy! I've got to whiz!!"

Gotta get a lock on that door. lol




  1. I would scoot over and say"I think I have a opening for you"

  2. awww thts cute. lol.

    yeh id say get a lock on the door.

  3. HAHA thats so cute awwwwww  that just made my "night..."

  4. hmmm .... maybe she was in a rush to add the cheese to the crackers?

  5. I think that is hilarious!

  6. LOL....

  7. KitKat, that's so gorgeous!

    What would I do? Hmmm. Well, I guess I'd either hurry up my own ablutions, or send her out in the garden to, er, water the lemon tree (that's what my mum always made US do!)

    Hafwen :o)

  8. I  would fall off the toilet in hysterics that is so funny lol

  9. id laughhhhhhh, thats so cute !

  10. When My oldest was 4 he brought a door to door sales man to me when I was on the toliet once.  The man was so embarrassed and so was I!

  11. I would have cracked up laughing!!!!


  12. hahaha lol that is soooo cute and adorable!!! and yea i'd just laugh.

  13. At least it was a 6 year old girl.

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