
How would you react if someone called you a, "sucker puncher"?

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This guy got beat up in the bar one late Saturday night, and then he comes back in about five days later, and comes up to me and says "Somebody hit me in the back of the head", and did I know who it was (it was me). I couldn't help but laugh out loud it was so funny... If you don't get it I can't explain it, but it was funny.




  1. I would probably be disgusted with myself for being so cowardly.

  2. Wow, great story, hilarious in fact.

    That guy is someone's father, brother, son, boyfriend or husband. It only takes one hit and you can end someone's life and take away somebody's dad, son, husband etc.

    So the next time you think about sucker punching or getting involved in a fight in the future, stop and think...if all that grey matter in your head has the capability.

  3. How was this a question, really?

    Oh, I guess if we just use the topic... it would depend on whether or not I sucker-punched the guy. If I did, I would look at him and say "better than being the sucker punchee"

  4. you, sir, are a moron.

  5. I'm not a sucker puncher, so it wouldn't bother me at all, I would correct the mistake by telling the misinformed individual.

    BTW, if you are a sucker puncher, and you find it funny, you are a shameless coward.

    good luck!

  6. Go find someone who is interested.

  7. Yeah I suppose it is,  when he mite be able to beat the c**p out of you.

  8. What's so funny about blind siding some one? You should have told him to his face it was you.

  9. I'd say, "Thank You"...JUST WIN BABY!

  10. Someone's in trouble for assault!

  11. I would sucker punch him again.

  12. if someone called me a sucker puncher, why i'd sucker punch em. what else would they expect?

  13. I'd go: "Well thank" *punch* ""

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