
How would you react if someone complemented you by comparing you to a goodlooking celeb?

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How should you react?...

I was in line a store and this girl turned around and said to me you look so much like Angelina Jolie..i was flattered but it was so i was like oh thanks and kinda felt awkward..

This other time i was at a store and about to go into a fitting room when this lady said to me you should model..i was like oh thanks and smiled...and once again felt awkward.....

Is there something else one should say to the other person besides aww thanks.?




  1. No, just be thankful and be happy that you're beautiful.

  2. I'm sure it was flattering.  I don't have much to worry about, I resemble Drew Carey.

  3. No, "thank you very much" is all that's necessary.

  4. The thing about beauty is, its pretty shallow. There isn't much that you can feel or say other than, thanks for the compliment on my appearances.  That's it. There isn't anything deep with it.

  5. I dont think theres anything you can say but thanks.

  6. Ok, first, if you look like Angelina Jolie - will you marry me? j/k ;)

    Seriously, I have been compared to a heart-throb male celeb most of my adult life.  I felt a little shy and akward about it too at first.  Then I found the best thing to do is make a little joke of some kind about it.  I'll say things like, "Wow, I usually get compared to Rodney Dangerfield, so thanks!" or "You mean in the movie where he played the hero or the one where he played a zombie?" or simply "Yeah, I wish, I wouldn't be here in line if I was him, haha!"

    Try a little humor like that, it helps make things less akward, and often gets a conversation going :)

  7. Thats a difficult situation to be in all you can is say well thanks and move on hope your havin a good day .

  8. How about "Do you really think so?".  You also might want to ask them why they say this?  

    I have a good one.  Say "Thank you very much.", then ask them their name a make a new friend.  

    If you give compliments very easily, you may be one of those people, as I am, that aren't used to accepting compliments.  That awkwardness you're experiencing might be self esteem issues.  Do you agree with the compliments you receive?

  9. aw. I'm jealous, you should be thankful because you seem to be NICE, just be be THANKFUL, and keep being humble. It's not random, it's a good thing! Just be nice and be humble don't use your beautiful face for something isn't nice and being vain. PLEASE!

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