
How would you react if someone plagiarizes your idea and claims it to be his own?

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If somebody plagiarizes your ideas every now and then and try to rob the credit you deserve how would you react?

your sun,moon,mars,Pluto signs please.




  1. I'd have thoughts of killing them definitely, but that'd never happen because I'd Always have my ideas copyrighted =).

    gem sun, leo moon, pisces mars, pluto scorpio

  2. i dunno, some people are just really leech-like......i try to feel bad for them, that they are so disabled in that sense, but I dont--i just lose all respect for the person (and if he or she were ever to need some favor anywhere down the line, they would be smart enough not to turn to me), and move on with my life--forward, with better prosecuting someone through the law at this point is impractical.

  3. The next day he will either say it's my idea or either be dead.

  4. I would join your army hon and give them something to remember about this stuff. Let them walk around with black and blue eyes and tell everybody The Bouncer let his trademark or sumthing. LOL

  5. I would confront them a tell them off and say its not right and put up a big argument untill they promise they wont do it anymore.

    Sagittarius :D

  6. The only "ideas" that I usually come up with are along the lines of composing music, even though I have a lot of my songs recorded already, Im unsigned so I guess it wouldnt be to incredibly hard to steal them. I think Id only be really pissed off if it was a song I dedicated or wrote about someone.

    Virgo sun. Cancer moon. Libra mars. Scorpio pluto.

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