
How would you react if you are sitting in a hotel room with ur girlfriend and ...?

by  |  earlier

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the next door tenant enters the room without knocking the door, full drunk, and asks your gf/wife if she would like to go out with him for a beer? Completely ignoring your presense.




  1. I'd get up and tell the intruder to leave immediately and then (especially if he won't leave) inform the hotel staff that a drunk is walking the halls barging into people's rooms.  I'm sure they'd do something about it.

    Always, always always lock your door when staying in a hotel!  People will wonder in hotel rooms looking for doors left unlocked hoping to steal belongings or worse.

  2. Where are hotel rooms that don't have automatically locking doors?

  3. Why was the door unlocked!???

  4. If it happened in the State of Texas,I'd have to open up a nice big can of WHOOP@ss and give him multiple servings.

  5. How does the neighbor get into the room without a key?  It is my understanding that all hotel rooms are always locked from the outside.

    But to answer your question, this is highly inappropriate.  I hope your girlfriend declined the offer.

  6. Well if hes completely drunk then obviously this person does not know what theyre doing.  I would lead them out the door, then lock it!

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