
How would you react if you found out that a world full of magic existed?

by  |  earlier

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Just curious, would you be scared, shocked, happy, sad, excited. Oh yeah and you would have some cool powers too. The minus side would be you have to be continuosly saving the world?




  1. All conjured up.

  2. at 1st that would kind of shock me but i would also be really excited and happy but continuosly saving the world would become tiring and annoying i would be putting to much attention on myself if i had to do that i hope im not the only one of my kind if that were the case  

  3. I would be thrilled ;-)

  4. You mean like in Harry Potter or something don't you?  

    I would immediately begin reading all the books I could on history, magic techniques, current affairs, etc.   I would try to learn as much about it as possible.  I'd be surprised at first, but you get over that soon.

  5. just eat some condensed mother earth in the form of a mushroom and you will know its true. last time i was tripping i was with 4 friends on the beach and we saw a flying saucer! im  not s**+tin you! a parrallell diminsion exists.  

  6. There is a spiritual world that does exist but most time we aren't aware of it. However I have learnt that peoples eagerness for powers can get them in a lot of trouble. Satan and his evil demons can give people powers or abilities but it always comes at a very bad price. Some people have lost their own precious soul for it. Satan's number one goal is to destroy people and what better way than giving them supernatural powers. He knows that people by nature loves power and that their lust for it will destroy them.

  7. No weed for me today.

  8. I would get a test to find out if someone had slipped me some LSD.

    Or, if I was already on LSD it wouldn't surprise me at all.

  9. It does, and we already live here.  The Goddess is alive and magic is afoot.  Blessed be.

  10. thas be sweet!!!!

  11. i'd be so happy.

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