
How would you react if you found out you had HIV?

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How would you react if you found out you had HIV?




  1. Not too worried about it as I am definetly hetereosexual and true to my loving wife.  I also have not had any blood transfusions since 96 when I battled cancer.  The odds of this happening to me are really nil.

  2. Well, I'm a virgin and definitely don't have it, and wanna wait to have s*x till after I'm married, but if my husband gave it to me, I'd be like "Okay, I love you, but OH MY GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE HIV!!!!  I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!!!!"

  3. I'd chop my díck off and throw it in the river.

  4. I'd be like,

  5. LMAO- happy face

    I'd probably do the same as her!!

  6. I'd beat the living sh*t out of my husband.

  7. I would be in shock if I found out I have HIV. I would get really angry at who I had s*x with (for not telling me he has it) and I would cry for hours. I watched a movie about HIV/AIDS and I cried so hard because there is no cure for it. Children who are born to mothers with HIV/AIDS die in childhood. Nobody deserves to have this disease!!! I would be devestated if I recieve an HIV/AIDS diagnosis.  

  8. I'd react by killing my fiance. I don't do drugs and do not sleep with anyone else, so the only way for me to contract HIV is if he cheated with someone who was infected.  

  9. I would be confused and wonder how I got it..

    Since i havent been into contact with any needles or blood and havent had s*x =S

    I would get a second opinion.

  10. I'd freak out and beat the c**p out of the person who gave it to me!!

  11. How did this happen?! I'm NOT a virgin?! NOOOOOOOOOO!

  12. I'd be f*cking pissed.  Since I'm a virgin the only way I could've gotten it was from a used needle at the doctor's.  There would be a huge lawsuit in my future.

  13. lol i wouldnt....ya know why? ya know why? cause im a virgin! no way i can have HIV

  14. I would have a nervous breakdown, and in the middle of it, probably kill my ex husband.

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