
How would you react if you found this on the newspaper?

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Four girls (aged 18-20) who trampled a maniac who was molesting a little girl in the park.




  1. What newspaper did you read this in?

  2. pretty weird

  3. I go buy them all new engineer boots with steel toes and spurs and tell them good hunting............

  4. If I understand the question, you are asking what I would think if I read an article about 4 girls who discover someone in the park in the act of molesting a little girl, and then beat the man.

    Given that, I'd say their hearts were in the right place of protecting the child and stopping the molester.  However, I'd think the violence in front of the little girl would compound, not solve, the trauma she had already endured.

    Better to get the guy away from the child, and get authorities involved to arrest him and prosecute him, and get the child to appropriate counseling at once.

    If I misunderstood the question, please clarify, and I'll alter my reply accordingly.

  5. id say good on them

  6. where are they id like to find them and buy em a few drinks!

  7. That happened in OK, right?

  8. no

  9. Where did this maniac go??? Jail???  Do they know who the little girl was??? Did they find her parents??? Is she o.k.???

  10. Good for them.

    He deserved it.

  11. OMG........

  12. I dont really understand the headline. There are some typos

    BUT i hope they capture that nasty freako

  13. I'd be thankful to those four girls, feel sorry for the little girl and feel anger toward the maniac. They did the right thing. Protecting a little girl from a monster and possibly other little girls.

  14. I would be distraught that both of those things are what the world has come to and would probably be depressed for a day. Then the next day I'd get all upetty and think that I would not rest til I'd changed the world. Then I'd discuss it with my friend and she would calm me.

  15. id say "a perverted ******* finaly got what was coming to them" but id be suprised to see this happen as it is highly unlikely

  16. gud gor them ^_________________^

  17. I'd say,bloody well done.And wish there was more people like them about.

  18. OMG that isnt nice@@@!!!@@@!!!

  19. wah. omg.

  20. Wow that would be interesting. Thats good that the little girl wouldnt be molested anymore

  21. ...ewww...

  22. Good luck to them

  23. Dunno, cos i haven't seen it on the newspaper as yet.......

    but if it did happen, then good on them - and i hope they trampled on his goolies real hard too.

  24. i would be furious cause if people are doing stuff like that than the punishement isn't servere enough!! i think that petifilers should all be shot on the spot and made an example of, cause that is retarded that we still have that problem in this country

  25. Good on them, but the better have let the maniac live as to kill would be just as bad and besides the maniac needs to face his punishment in jail.

  26. wished I been there with them to add a little weight.

  27. Then what happened? Did the girls run off or report to the police?

    If they ran off, its ok. But if they reported the molester to the police, then the 4 women (they are adults) would be arrested for assult (thats the law for the UK. I pushed and shouted back at someone who was being verbally abusive to me, and I got a caution because it was my first offence).

    I can understand that they felt angry but rusing into something based on emotions can end up badly.

    So reaction to this would be good for the molester getting trampled. Bullies and horrible people need some kind of deterrent. But its bad for the women because they would get arrested. But it depends what the law is wherever this incident happened.

  28. Great for stopping him, wrong way to do it.  I don't agree with violence.

  29. So vigilante justice is a good thing hey count me out of that society

  30. I would think hard, but say nothing.  

  31. Id break out into an Irish Jig

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