
How would you react if your daughter get herself pregnant when shes still a teenager?

by Guest31636  |  earlier

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like if she was 15 or 16 would u be mad? i think if i had a pregnant teenager if she told me herself i would tell her im proud of her for having that courage 2 tell me. and i would support any decision she made. i think i would also tell her that if she decided 2 keep the baby, i'd ask if she needed any support from me to raise the child.

so what would u do?




  1. I'd have helped her do whatever she wanted.

  2. i'd whoop her ***! especially if i taught her better!

  3. I have two daughters.  I pray and pray they don't get pregnant at a young age.  In fact I want them to go to collage before they start to mess around.  I know... in this day and age I'm sure they will full around before going to collage.  I can always hope.

    I would not like the fact that they got pregnant,  I will support them no matter what.  I will just become a grand-pa.  That's all.  I will not love them less, I will just have a new baby to love.  That's all.

    We will keep the baby.  Will not put it up for adoption nor have an abortion.  He/she will be ours to keep.

  4. why would you be proud she was fooling around with some guy when she was really young.she had her whole future to think of and now she is pregnant .and who wants to support an extra mouth to feed when now when every thing is so exspensive ..but my reaction would be you better be kidding me. btw im 16 so there is no way my parents will ever have to react for some thing like that cause i know better not to gwt myself in that situation

  5. she can't get herself takes two...

  6. I think I would be very upset, but I would make her take care of the child so that she would be responsible. Hopeflly she would learn that chosing to have s*x is a great responsibility.

  7. ill be pist probably ill be mad grrr...

    she would have problems taking care of it

    then she will get depressed

    u kno the works it will teach here a lesson like use protection next time dumbo

  8. I think it is good that you would be supportive.  these people that say they would whoop them and not provide any support are probably not parents.  Obviously I would be disappointed that my daughter chose to make decisions that led her down that path, but teenagers make a lot of mistakes, I know I did when I was in high school, and I would do the same thing.  I would want my daughter to take responsibility for what she did and spend time with the baby whenever she wasn't in school or working.  I would not baby sit for her so that she could go out with her friends, at least not in the beginning.  I think I would do as much as possible to ensure that she was taking on full responsibility, but of course help out financially if I could, and emotionally.  

  9. I wouldn't be impressed, that's for sure!

    I would stand by her though.  I would have to!  I wouldn't be able to disown her or do anything extreme.

  10. Once I got past the point of wanting to kill her, I would ask her what she planned on doing with the baby.  If she decided to keep it, she could still live at home, but she would be responsible for finishing school, caring for the baby, and working part-time.  I would not provide free babysitting so she could go off and hang out with her friends--her life would consist of school, baby care, work, sleep, and nothing else.

    I am guessing you are a teen yourself, so it's easy to say you would be supportive, proud, and give her all the help she needed.  But when you have children of your own and you have hopes and dreams for them, when you have encouraged them to study hard in school, when you have saved up from before they were even born so there would be enough money to send them to any college they wanted to attend, it's a different story.  The moment you find out that you have a pregnant teenager (or a son who got his girlfriend pregnant), all of those plans, all of that encouragement, goes right out the window.  Then it becomes a question of praying they can make it through high school and scrape together something of a decent life for themselves and their babies.

  11. i will be so angry. but i will support her anyway. No one want that to happen but it just happen anyway....

  12. of course you would be somewhat upset for a minute because youre like"where did I go wrong" and not only are people talking about your daughter but the whole family during this time (who cares about gossipers) but she needs the support so after you stop being upset you have to realize that your teenage daughter is about to bring a beautiful humanbeing and you have to stick by her... and just because she has a baby doesnt mean life is over she can still attend high school and college

  13. I would kill the guy who got her pregnant first in a very painful way.  Then I would be really mad at her.  Obviously she would have to have the baby because that way she learns not to be so irresponsible and i would not pay for anything.

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