
How would you react to a prenupt?

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If before marriage your partner suggest's a prenupt how would you react?

Prenupt states: All jointly owned property and accounts in a divorce are split 50/50, but accounts and property seperatly owned belong to the person who the account or title is under, and whats his is his and whats hers is hers. No alimony.

Would you think that was fair?




  1. LOL I'd be the one asking for the prenup. If he asked me for one, I'd be ALRIGHT with it. No prob, Bob.

    No prenup, no marriage.

  2. Well, I would be the one doing the demanding.

    If he's unwilling, we don't get married.

    I don't intend to become a housewife, so alimony on my behalf would be unnecessary.

    I like the idea above.... if one person cheats and causes the divorce, they alone bear the cost of the divorce.

  3. It sounds fair. About the no alimony, though, if I gave up my job to raise a family, I think I'm entitled to alimony and definitely child support.

    I would get a consultation with a lawyer to make sure it's truly fair under all possible conditions.

  4. Well I don't plan on leaving my husband so Id sign it. I would want a clause however that said if either one cheats they are responsible for all cost incurred by both during the divorce.

    Id also want it to include 50/50 child custody.

    If I was divorcing my husband would have had to of done something pretty awful to me, so I would want it to handle almost everything before the event to prevent me or him from doing something stupid out of anger like attempting to destroy the other finacialy or keep the children from one or another.

  5. I'd sign it.

  6. It would save both parties a lot of time and effort. Instead of going to court and fighting for months over who deserves what you could just say here's the prenup, give me my share.

    I would sign it, but I don't think my bf (if it ever came to that) would, he's a bit of an idealist.

  7. I would say that in today's society this would be very fair seeing that almost half of marriages end in divorce; however, I would also say to the partner that gave me this that they neglect to trust not only me but their own mind in the marriage they are about to dive into.

    Marriage is hard; but it should not be treated like a kindergarten letter with the yes or no box.  Then, 2 weeks later an argument happens and the person just gets a friend to call to break up.  You remember that! Well, that is the mentality of the person that presents that letter.

    You need to find you someone that you either agree with a prenupt with or do not.  If you want it, and he/she wants it also, then it is worth agreeing to.  But if you feel it being a threat to the marriage before it starts, it is because it is.  Trust me!

  8. I think they are awesome!

    I'd also add in the prenup what was expected if there were kids involved. I think you think more rationally before the marriage then in the middle of the divorce.

    Go for it!!

  9. While I have no intentions of getting a divorce, I think it is wise to have a fail safe in place for the protection of both parties involved.  I think the prenup contract that you propose it quite reasonable and will ensure that neither party is left in an unfair financial state.  I would recommend that any couple considering marriage sign a prenup.  It is especially important in safeguarding the husband against unjust financial claims.

  10. I'd have to ask why we're getting married if we're already thinking it will fail.

  11. I'd say great to a prenup that says what's mine is mine, and what's his is his, it could save me a lot of money !

  12. Unless you are a gazillionaire, I personally can't imagine why anyone would NEED one.

    Of course, that depends on the country you live in I guess.

    There are unfair laws everywhere.

    Cheers :-)

  13. Yes.  We have one.  My idea.  

    If I were young and starry-eyed and in love with being in love, I might not agree.  But since the bloom is off the rose for both of us, and we each came to the marriage with assets and our estates in place, it only makes sense.

  14. If we're already engaged, the suggestion of a prenuptual agreement would end the relationship for me.  I prefer complete honesty.  If the relationship has gotten to the point of talking about the possiblity of marriage, the prenupt discussion should go along with that becaue the discussion can include debates about the terms so you can come up with a mutually agreeable one before making the committment to get married.

  15. I'd be surprised that he suggested it before I did.

  16. I would think it was a sensible idea.

    However, in the case of an 'unequal' marriage where the man might earn significantly more than the woman, the woman gives up her career to look after children etc. etc. I don't think it's fair not to pay alimony. Especially if the husband is at fault causing the divorce.

  17. Signed it.   I don't expect to ever divorce, but if that happened, we're both capable adults who can take care of ourselves.  Since neither of us is sacrificing our career for the sake of the marriage, it wouldn't make any sense for one person to be expected to support the other if, heaven forbid, we didn't stay together.

  18. I don't know. I've never married anyone with that kind of money, and where I live a prenuptial agreement isn't required.

    I consider myself fair, and when I got divorced we did just what that prenup states - we split the bills 50/50, except for the debt acquired solely in my name.

    I wouldn't be crazy about it, but if he really felt it was necessary I guess I would sign. I'm not one to take stuff that isn't mine though. If I didn't earn it, I usually don't want it. Kind of like with my divorce. I left him with everything and pretty much walked away with nothing but debt. But that is my responsibility; not his. :)

    If I really wanted to marry the guy and this was my test for him to trust me, I would do it.

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