
How would you react to a receptionist type person who yelled at you?

by Guest58645  |  earlier

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They say to you, "May I help you?"

You reply, "Yes, I'm looking for transfer admissions."

They say something with an Indian accent, it sounds like "the next one."

So you go to the next person, and ask to verify, "here?"

And then he angrily yells at you, "the third one!"

In that case, I went on to the third person, not saying anything. Still, it kind of mad me angry that he yelled at me like that. It seemed kind of impolite. What do you think? How would you react?

This happened at admissions counceling on a college campus, where the receptionist is supposed to answer all your questions.




  1. If you can, let it go - and forget about it.

    This may happen to you again .. so make it easy on yourself - and don't let it bother you.   You can't change an impolite person .. just ignore them.

  2. Kindly confront him and explain how he offended you.  If he doesn't humble himself, tell his boss.

  3. I would say" Excuse me, I am not deaf, just seeking knowledge!"

  4. You could have avoided the problem by simply asking him to repeat what he said if you didn't understand it. You were both wrong.

  5. I would've said back right away "Relax sir, you don't have to yell at me for no reason." Then move on... he'd get the point and hopefully be nicer to the people after you in line.

  6. The people at most college admissions seem to always be in a bad mood.  I've attended 3 different universities and the people at the registration/admissions offices are always surly.  I just smile and stay polite to show them that just because they're having a bad day, they're not going to affect mine! :)

  7. Two options:

    Say nothing and move on - which is what most people do, but does nothing to change the person's attitude.


    Ask the receptionist, politely, why they felt it necessary to yell at you when you simply misunderstood them.  You might really rub them the wrong way, in which case, you're probably going to have to speak to a supervisor, but you might just get them to calm down and have some respect.

  8. Welcome to the real world. People suck. When people are like that to me, I just say "Have a fabulous day!!!" I make sure to smile really big when I say it.

  9. You are going to run into a lot of people like that so you might as well start to get used to it and not let it bother you (because you'll stress only yourself, not the cause of the problem).  Just tell yourself that you are merely human and didn't know, if you'd have known you wouldn't have asked--and just let it slide.  People that work for schools don't get paid very much and often are working at a tedious but necessary job (having to hear the same questions over and over and over and over and over).  You might want to suggest to the actual "transfer admissions" person you finally get to see that maybe next time they ought to post signs to alleviate some of the hostility from the reception people.

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