
How would you recommend a trip plan to Scandivian countries?

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I am plannig for a trip to scandivians countries for 10 days.

shoud I include all the four countries?

How would you divide it? How many days in each country?

Danemark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland.




  1. It depends on what you want to see, really. Especially Sweden and Norway have amazing landscapes (forests, lakes, mountains) and then the bigger cities with the nightlife and shopping and such.

    Flying from Iceland to Norway or Sweden will obviously take you a few hours, but from what I hear it is worth going to Iceland. Haven't been there myself though. If you wish to go there then that's probably where I would go first or last so you don't lose any time flying.

    If you like nature then I would pick Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Nothing wrong with Denmark, it is a great country, but you'll be struggling to see all four countries with just 10 days and Sweden and Norway has more variety then Denmark. Remember it is over a 1000 miles from the north to the south of Sweden and flying/travelling nationally is not cheap in either country.

    It really is difficult to say where to go when I don't know what it is you want to see/do, but in general terms, southern parts of Sweden/Norway have the bigger cities and the northern parts have the mountains, rivers and more beautiful scenery.

    Norway is the most expensive country, worth considering.

    Feel free to ask more if you like

  2. The North consists of 5 countries. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and FINLAND. You really shouldn't miss out on Finland. It's a great country. I'd say: start in Iceland. Be there for a couple of days, move on to Norway and be there for a couple of days, then Denmark, then Sweden and then Finland. That way you won't have to travel across any of the nordic countries just to come back to it a few days later.

    In Iceland I think that you should see the geysers and maybe ride on the Icelandic horses. In Norway you could see a fjord or two... In Denmark you could just check out Copenhagen perhaps. See The Little Mermaid statue and stuff. In Sweden you could visit Gothenburg on the westcoast. Gothenburg is Swedens second largest city. There are a lot of things to do there. You can go to the amusement park, Liseberg. Or take a ride with the Paddan-boats.(Paddan = The toad). In Finland you could check out Rovaniemi. It's a town in northern Finland. It's on the border of the arctic circle. And while you're there you should definetily buy some finnish liquorice.

  3. In 10 days you can get a good impression of Denmark, Norway or Sweden , a taste of two of them.

    But if you try to do more, there will not be enough time.

    If you try to do all four you will have, on average, 2 days per country.

    Think about how much people can see of your country/state/province in just two days.

    You will agree that you need more time than that.

    I would say select Norway, as it is a country in which you can find most of the Scandinavian landscapes.

    You will find that in 10 days you can not even cover all of what Norway has, with gentle rolling hills in the south, fjords on the west coast (mostly in the southern half,) mountains along the whole border with Sweden, bleak and empty landscapes towards the north, towns in Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger (if not too big) and lots of villages and natural beauty.

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