
How would you regard a person you are talking to if they are muscular like hercules?

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With respect? With fear? With awe? Something else?




  1. Gross. Too many muscles!!!!!! I'd wonder if they were on steroids?

  2. treat em the same way as anyone else and one of my best friends is the strongest person i know and hes also one of the smartest

  3. If they look like the TV hercules, I would be mopping drool off my chin as I entertain thoughts of them in a tight T shirt and cutoff jean shorts...very tight shorts..

    : P

  4. With shut da **** up i dont care about ur muscle's bytch that's what i would say

  5. id  assume they were arrogant or self obsessed

  6. I'd first assume they were gym rats and therefor not intellectuals.

    However that's only because most of the muscle heads I've met have been pretty much cavemen.  All macho, no brains.

    But I could be wrong.

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