
How would you respond after reading this?

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Our very existance today causes global warming. Your heat, electricity, mode of travel, almost everything we do causes some form of pollution that is emitted into the atmosphere. If humans didn't exist we would have rain forests, and no factories dumping pollution into the air. Human existance can't balence out the amount of pollution that plants and trees take care of. Just our breathing is killing our planet. Let that sink in a minute, we're killing our own planet. :/ And in an effort to make money we're killing what few forests we have for lumber. Just take a look at global warming in the last fifty years... and you'll see.




  1. I agree that we are killing ourselves, not our planet.  The pollution that we are putting in the air is different than the much debated C02 issue causing global warming.  I feel that politicians are using this to divert our attention with lots of noise on one side while allowing nothing to actually happen on the other.  They have pulled smokescreen over our eyes and those of us who hate the chemicals and the pollution and the corporate greed automatically assume that because there is noise and money flowing to stop global warming that this means the money is going to help stop pollution and it isn't doing that.  

    Do you think if it is found that the earth is actually cycling downward and that C02 is not the issue that people would still give to help the environment.  Governments would be able to use this to do anything and put anything in our air or water.  It would cripple the issue that we all care about.  The money you are spending giving cause is also spent to spin and create propaganda about an issue.  It can also be used by our government to continue to consolidate power and allow them to enact taxes on individual's carbon output  and you are kidding yourselves to think that there will be a similar requirement for big business.  There is always a loophole for big business.

    I have been accused many times by my husband of being a hippie and too concerned with environmental issues but I fully do not think that humans and C02 is responsible in any way for warming or cooling of the earth.  Those of us who love this earth, should concern ourselves with making changes in our life and our homes but not jump on this bandwagon because in the end time will tell whether or not the sky is actually falling.

  2. First of all, the lumber industry doesn't kill forests - agriculture does. Forestry depends on renewing forests for sustainable growth.

    Second, the planet isn't being "killed" - Earth isn't an organism. Even if we were able to make the planet inhospitable for ourselves - natural selection would continue and we'd die off like countless other species.

    Eventually our planet will be swallowed up by our sun - so it really doesn't matter in the end.

  3. Panic never solved anything,people are not going to simply give up their lifestyles...not even the alarmist.True the government picks and chooses which lobbyist will win.Most old forest growth has served it's purpose,it's just room for new plant growth is usually eliminated in the way of clear cutting.Most factories and car companies would rather pay the EPA and CAFA fines then conform.Sometimes it comes down to the individual choice even if it is a minuscule amount.

  4. I can't stand that kind of thinking. It's as if we don't have a right to exist. Very prevalent. Man is bad. Bad man, bad man.

  5. if we all die then no one will be here to worry about it.

  6. we are still using technology that has been around for

    hundred(s) of years because it is cheaper. We could solve the global warming issue with technology we have today. Eventually our impact will be reduced due to technology.

  7. It put me to sleep man!!

  8. Please explain to me why the earth was GREATLY warmer during the dinosaur era?  

    There was a whole lot more CO2 in the air than our cars/factories, ect are spewing.

    There were a lot more forests during much of the dinosaur eras.

    So how is it that with more forest, everything COMPLETELY natural, no cities, cars, man-made pollution there was MORE CO2....what exactly were those dinosaurs up to?

    You are mixing two warming (caused by the sun) and pollution (caused by man).

    They are different....they are not one in the same.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  9. Yawn, boring.

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