
How would you respond if you learned that your sister gave oral to your boyfriend?

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you can't drop your sister. you can drop your boyfriend. btw, when i confronted him, he said that she told him she had heard great things about his equipment (which is true) and wanted to test it out for herself. My sister (both in our twenties) is very competitive and has always tried to mess with my things. the guy in question looks like an adonis. i am tempted to forgive both of them but i don't know how to bring it up with my sister (we live in the same house).




  1. you can drop your sister actually. This issue will come up again, i promise. Family has to earn your respect just like anyone else, and just like anyone else, you can remove them from your life.  

  2. First of all, dump the boyfriend, he obviously has no respect for you for letting your sister do that. You can do better.   And as for your sister, ask to her when a good time to talk to her is and et her know that you are hurt by what she has done, and that you dont think it was right or repectful, but dont expect her to stop.  

  3. ok..i have a older sister and ewww that would be gross.

    You should definitely bring it up to your sister...and not forgive her until you have fully bitched her out. She should know better!

    Dump the guy! How is he going to cheat on you with your sister!

    And then give you a retarded answer.

    There are boundaries.  

  4. just tell her to keep her sluttish hands off of him or there'll be consequences. you dont have to be violent just things like food dye in her shower gel, super glue her lippy shut, por her foundation down the sink. Do one if you need to get your point across. she'll never touch another one of your guys again

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