
How would you say the following in spanish...?

by  |  earlier

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to return (as in an object)

to return (as in a person)

the 2nd doesn't really make sense to me, and I can't seem to find the answer. Also, if you could please tell me the 'yo' form of each, that would be a great help! Thanks!




  1. 1)  To return (as in an object) = devolver

    I am returning the book to her.

    Yo la devuelvo el libro a ella.

    2)  To return (as in a person) = regresar; volver

    I am returning to Costa Rica tomorrow.

    Yo regreso/vuelvo mañana a Costa Rica.

  2. Volver

  3. To return (as in an object)= "devolver"

    Ex. "Yo voy a devolver el traje"= "I will return the suit, or I'm going to return the suit."

    To return ( as in a person)= volver o regresar

    Ex. "Yo voy a regresar a San Francisco"= "I will return to San Francisco, or I'm going to return to San Francisco."

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