
How would you spell the sound a hand saw makes when sawing?

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I did a search and can’t seem to find anything on what the sound of a saw is, or how to spell it.

I can hear (in my head) the sound of a hand saw that’s sawing through wood, but have no clue how it could be spelt.

Any thoughts?




  1. Heheh, I don't think I've ever seen that written down before!  

    How about "Errrrrr-Uh-Errrrrr-Uh-Errrrrr-Uh" ?  

  2. a high pitched whirrr

  3. Vurrr vip, vurrr vip (repeat)


  5. I've always thought the repetition of the word "saw" itself is kind of onomonopoetic. It has the soft sibilance of the teeth as it cuts and some of the whispering flexibility of blade as the saw itself works: sw, sw, sw, sw, sw.

    In his poem "Out, out" Robert Frost imitates the sound of a buzz saw in a similar way, though I realize you asked about a handsaw.

    The buzz saw snarled and rattled in the yard

    And made dust and dropped stove-length sticks of wood,

    Sweet-scented stuff when the breeze drew across it.

    And from there those that lifted eyes could count

    Five mountain ranges one behind the other

    Under the sunset far into Vermont.

    And the saw snarled and rattled, snarled and rattled,

    As it ran light, or had to bear a load...

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