
How would you spend a day of invisibility?

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How would you spend a day of invisibility?




  1. Good question! I would be in board rooms of Fortune 500 companies.

  2. F***ing up the lives of people who made my life sh** growing up

  3. I would go to top secret areas and see what really goes on behind closed doors. (area 51).  Also, I'd love to play tricks on people:  take something out of their hand, carry items around in the grocery store.  That would be fun!

  4. too many ways to name

  5. spying on women obviously....swimming baths changing rooms, toilets (watching them poo), bank, swiping cash etc etc etc

  6. Are you kidding me!  I would be in every woman's shower and I would be one happy guy.  What would you do?

  7. Go into the woods and watch the animals in their natural environment.

    Then in the evening, straight to the women's changing room at my local gym and finish off round my neighbour's house in their bedroom.

  8. sounds pretty bad but i would go on a shopping spree. as long as what i touched becomes invisible with me. oh the jewels.................and clothes..............oh and a trip to the pet store for my doggy... have you seen the price of chew toys?????????

  9. I'd take the most expensive flight i could to the most exotic destination in the world -  somewhere that i would never be able to afford to go -see the most incredible sights- then just as my 'day' was up i'd get back on the flight sit in a seat in first class re-appear and say 'wow - i wonder how i got here!'

  10. Winning the world hide & seek championships

  11. i need money, i am afraid i would go to treasury steeling as much gold as possible, the second day i would become a billionaire!

  12. Pay a visit to Fort Knox

  13. I would go spy on my hubby at work.  He has some problems there and I want to see how he is really treated and talked to or if he is just frustrated with the people he's working with.

  14. Hanging around the girl's changing room probably.

  15. go through a drive through


    go to chapters and read whatever i chose

    go to the movies and sneak into each movie thats playing

  16. Completely Alone.

  17. I would play jokes on people, by moving stuff and hiding them(turning off the tv or get into the car and move it facing the other way than it was in the driveway).

    Sneak into a place where a girl was, give her a feel, kiss her cheek. Make her think she is going nuts. I would talk to people. "hey Hows it going. Didn't your wife tell you not to get on that website.

  18. what ? dam you mean you can see me ??????? it must of worn off . well err it wasn't me and i didn't do it OK . and dont worry i wont tell anybody what you where doing with your dog

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